Monday 15 February 2021

Star Trek Online....

Progress, progress, progress, in one form or another. At least in my view. 

I've been doing some more leveling on my KDF Gorn, a generic D7 being a very apt current ship.

However most of my time has been on my other new KDF recruit. 

Leveling up a science character is 100% the same as any other at any other time. Even considering talents I was still all in on tactical mode. But as science it's nice to have more survivability with healing and buffs. I'll have to wait for end game and max level with a proper setup and T6 ship for it to really count as a 'proper' build. Still it's been fun to level a new character with someone else. 

The recruit transponder rewards and the way you get them are very aptly KDF and fun in that way. I just need to get used to trying to melee kill npc's. 

Today Yesterday was the last day of dailies needed to claim the anniversary event ship. Another event done and dusted. Time flies.

Flying the new ship was a let down, at least for me. It's a good ship; It's a ship that has all the middle ground covered. It does it all well. Even with an ad-hoc best in inventory fit it let me do some TFO and patrol testing without any thought or care for survival(or DPS). Maybe a 'first world problem' but it is what it is, it's just not fun to fly for me. I have other ships that do the same thing better and with more fun. I completed the mastery took the console for another ship and removed it from the roster.

I'm no meta head. Stat junkie or say I 'know what I'm doing'. I also don't spend cash on the game. Not regularly(one lifetime account buy and 2 charity buys). I fly and fit by the results I see. So super casual and amateur. I try to listen and learn.....Mainly CounterYolo Gaming as well as Timber Wolf, but whats practical for one person is way meta to another. I'm lucky if I pick up one or two snippets of information that click with how I play.

That other ship that inherited the console; Another Antiproton cannon build is another ship I don't use as it 'should be'. I 'just' use it as a cannon platform, no grappling chains, no fiery maw, no afterburner dps. Heresy I know. But it's fun as is. Play-styles eh.

With the new console the DPS output wasn't a noticeably improvement, whose extra console abilities are 'meh'. When I've tried to use it the npc's were already dead or fled and then dead before the #bolts' hit. The extra torp damage is not (for me on this fit) noticeable. Even at distance. I replaced the original console back on the ship. I may mess about with the console some more to see if I can 'get it right'.
Just unfortunate that I can't even use the new console given the antiproton/cannon crossover.

The current key/key-ring sale was tempting and I picked up 10 keys via a build up of my free monthly Zen.

Opening 10 of the newest lock boxes didn't give much of note overall but this happened...

A ship beyond my needs and one I'd not use well if I did. A ship that's the very definition of what's considered a 'pay to win' reward. Yet 'pay to win' in this game is not a silver bullet. Nor is it a one hit wonder(a lot like in Eve Online). You can get a or 'the' ship, but you also need the fit, if you get the fit then you need to ability to use it all properly, never mind the charecter traits or player savvy. You can't buy the understanding out of the blue. I've seen so many bought ships, 'pay to win' ships, in the recent Xbox event explode over and over because they can't even fly to avoid a shrinking area(even with a 2 minute countdown). All the tools and no idea how to use them. Gamers with a clue and the cash to spend are few enough. I wonder what the real stats for that are.

Anyway I sold it on the exchange for 714 million. An initial price of 800 was unsellable after a day as 6 more were listed at idiotically undercut prices(790, 760, 740, 730, 720, 715). This end of the market is unknown to me. So feeling I might miss out I bit the bullet, unlisted and redid it just under the latest entry; A few hours later and it sold. 7 times as much EC as I've ever had in game so I'm happy with that and the options it'll give in the future. 

Besides I was able to 'splash' out and buy a bunch of lower end exchange ships for my wife who was very happy(coincidence, not a valentines day thing). 

I also got to mess about with one. A ship I'd forgotten existed in game but one that's my new 'toy'. Just fooling around.

It occurs to me that I'm very much into taking cráp items in games and pushing it/them to exceed expectations. Be it an XCOM team, a lance of mechs in Battletech, a crew in Darkest Dungeon or a T5 exchange ship in STO that costs a million

In other news...... I came across a player setup as a good Saru looking character....

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