Thursday 25 February 2021

Star Trek Online....

Keeping up with both Xbox and PC versions of the game has continued to be fun.

Not that I do a lot on Xbox. Daily or almost daily I login and: 
Check inventory assets tab(sort inventory) and convert the daily amount of  dilithium ore.
Check (complete and setup more) duty officer assignments.
Check (complete and setup more) admiralty missions(dilithium farming).

Do whatever current event needs a daily done; Such as the current Red Alert.

Check on the daily endevours and complete any that I know are quick and easy(or moderately doable).
And if I'm in the mood for more do or finish off some episode missions or TFO's.

All that daily logging in helps to gain empowerment via items, buff, bonus's or currency to make the life of that character(or account) better. I do the same thing for my top 4 characters on PC almost daily with some others just for dilithium farming... Not every day but a lot.

As a game that's a platform changed version, a game 'on the side', the Xbox version has kept my interest because it's quick and fun. The same but simplified. Some may say the same but limited due to the platform controls. I tend to think of it more as a 'leveling' of the playing field. High end Xbox super meta players have to do the same in game menu actions as everyone else. That takes time. Not that menu navigation can't be done quickly but my thinking is that it levels the bulk of the actions of players..... 
For Xbox I've been taking my PC version knowledge and applying it to the Xbox version; But it was only today that I realised where the xbox has the PC beat.... Not beat by much but definitely handier.  Doing duty officer assignments it's 'handier' to see which are available to be done by pressing a controller button to filter the available missions. Almost an automatic muscle memory thing. Doing the same thing on PC needs a conscious change of a drop down menu that isn't part of the usual flow of doing Doff assignment. It's just automatic to scroll the mouse wheel down the list and click on what you need. So taking that moment to access the filter on PC could made all the difference. Sorting the chaff from the wheat as it were. It's the little things that help.

I may ease off on the Xbox side till the new content hits on March 2nd and I create a KDF recruit there.

Besides I've hit another bump in the mission road. Trying to finish off the first part of  the 'The Measure of Morality (Part1)' mission; The two part end to the J'Ula's Discovery episode. The mission has the same crash to Xbox dashboard issue/problem that the Temporal Ambassador mission had. Which is a pity. Lets hope it won't take as long to 'fix'.

On the PC side I've been giving the latest event ship another try. I was messing about with an exchange bought T5 and felt I was putting more thought into it's mashup fit than my last attempt at the event T6, which in retrospect was half-hearted. So the mess about fit got moved. Last time I played by the event  raiders fitting rules. It's grey-item-pre fit theme. Cannons and Torps. This time I went with what I 'felt' was better(meta moguls cry in the distance). 

The Martok 3 piece, Nanopulse torp from the latest 'missions' and some spare if upgraded phaser dual beams. To my surprise, but not really, fitting it in a more comfortable way (to me) gave better results. Do I have ships that are more survivable, yes. Do I have ships that do more DPS, yes. I'm not saying it's a bad ship.... If like my wife it's the only T6 you have then it's a great ship. Just not for me, main or alts. On my main, this ship and this fit are fun to blast about with; But for right now I'm having way more fun and doing way more DPS in my T5-X.... More on that below.

As for the Alliance Raider, I thought it looked cool in the Terran vanity shield.

It's still in the roster and I've not stripped the fit off it so there's something there that must be keeping my interest this time round. More work needed.

On a side note a long time gaming friend, the same one I started Star Trek Online with, returned to the game..... He's been looking to get back into another MMO. He joined us for a few TFO's and some game chatter.... But he wasn't 'feeling it' and wont' be back... Which was a bit of a downer. 


So yea, the Andorian Escort. I bit the bullet and used an experimental upgrade token that's been burning a hole in my inventory for a while. I've been messing about with the ship and the console from the above Alliance Raider. So with the extra -X console slot I got to add back the console I'd removed to make space for the event console. I do like the defense satellite(meta moguls cry in the distance). 

It's also inherited the M6 computer console and for the -X trait I slotted honored dead.

Scooting fast around a TFO, blasting everything with beams and torpedoes. Melting faces... Or seeming to do so... It's fun... 

Somewhere in the distance a meta mogul weeps.

It's not a tanky ship, the ships shield is it's DPS. So no surprise I've been overwhelmed by NPC's on occasion. Yet it's not a glass cannon either.... It's versatile.
Still, in it it's nice to feel like a 'real' participant in the harder 'advanced' TFO's. Enough to make me question if it's really an advanced TFO and not a normal(with the missus).

I've not done any DPS charts with it and I don't want to. I know that if I did and checked and saw that the DPS was a middling number I'd both be disappointed and confused. I'd then start off on a non fun deep dive into how that was possible, when the visual evidence shows me melting everything before anyone else gets near.... So fun is fun and I'm going to keep having it. Ignorance is bliss.

The builds on my ships are something that evolve 'naturally'(except that one time). My ships are very much 'of it's day'. It's my own way of doing things. I build up the fit over time but it all starts out the same. Usually an event ship, it gets rewarded in game. There's a new episode at the same time so it's rewards naturally get put on it. Some old faithful consoles get reclaimed and fitted along with the best in the inventory for weapons.... Which are 90% arbitrary. A few weeks later and it's a ship with a fit, that's 'it'. 

How long that stays and gets used is all in the moment. If it lasts it gets upgraded and tweaked over more time. Depending on DPS it gets graded against the other ships in the roster and then taken out for a spin every once in a while.

Yet more fun and progress is being had on my new KDF recruit. Fun in what it is, a leveling character; Gearing and upgrading as I go. There's not much I can say other than that. I've been playing the game and enjoying it. My Gorn is however a tab bit tall for some of the cut-scenes.

As for the rest, a picture speaks a thousand words......

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