Thursday 25 March 2021

Rome Total War(Remastered)....

Rome Total War, Total War Rome..... Whatever way you call it yourself, they better not fup this one up!
Total War Remastered. Out in the next 4 days next month(My mistake shows my excitement).

I've a long standing history with the game, all 17 years with numerous versions over various Windows editions. A lot of game time and saves. Info isn't sparse but I'll have to take my time with assimilating this info. It's not 'just a remaster'..... It does change things. 

The faq has so far eased any fears. It will include the expansions. 50% Loyalty Discount for already owning the 'normal game' is great! But the fact that "Optional classic versus remastered rules" is included is a big, the biggest 'need' for me.

Decisions, decisions.

Who am I kidding.... -50% loyalty discount had me.

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