Monday 29 March 2021

WoW - Burning Crusade....

With news of the WoW classic getting a Beta of the Burning Crusade expansion I took a trip down memory lane..... 

Only there weren't many screenshots of my original Burning Crusade entry. Which is strange as I recall taking a fair few screenies. Like the flying entry via portal which at the time was 'epic'. Yea I'm really surprised by the lack of screenshots. Nothing of my main 'druid'. Not even with my lock. Maybe I'd misplaced some from that 'era' or maybe they'e lost to time but in any case, the earliest screenie I have, my druid a day or two after the portal opened....

Killing boars, nothing much changes..... WoW is WoW.

Video aspect of it's time.

No addons working after expansion...... Yea WoW is WoW!

From the other screenshots I seemed more into creating a Blood Elf hunter and a Draenei shaman at the time. Alts of alts.... My gameplay doesn't change much either it seems.

The one big thing I do remember most are the green item drops being so superior to the vanilla gear. No surprise now as all expansions have been the same since. But back then, all players proud to be wearing such mish-mash gear, happy for the better stats, yet looking horrendously patchy.

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