Friday 12 March 2021

Torchlight III....

While I've recently completed my main characters 'story' run of the game; Torchlight III is all about the 'end game', post story grind. I can totally 'get' why that is and why players would be into it. I've just had too much of that in my lifetime of gaming. Seeing what this games end grind is, is off-putting to me. There isn't enough enjoyment in it's 'doing'(for me) to warrant such a grind of effort and time for rewards I'd have appreciated more as the main story progressed. Then again if that was true I'd complain that it was too much of a grind in it's doing... 

Grinds aside I'm not done with the game yet. My main character may have 'done' the main story; But I'd like to level up the remaining characters to level 10. Despite what I've said about them. 'The more you know' I guess. Get some use out of the items I've got stored to equip them. Give each class one more try at the very least. To quell a niggle that would eat at me if I'd just bailed on the game now.

Progress in the contracts system so far is about halfway-ish' for me. As they are all kinds of endless..... Like a lot about this game. Still I'm happy with what I've received from it so far.

I was surprised to see that enchanting unlocked after the first 'complete' run of the game. A system that seems to act like gems in WoW, enchants being 'socketed'. A far cry from the enchanting of items in Torchlight II. From what I recall of Torch 2 it was a system that was almost immediate from the outset of play. For Torchlight 3 all I knew was I couldn't enchant anything, as none of the items I've gotten in the entire run had 'a socket'. I didn't think there was enchanting... Apparently it was part of the first act... Which I missed.... Somehow. Ignorance is bliss? That and RNG..... Enchant recipes.... items with sockets.... I was clueless as I never saw them.

In my defence I've avoided a lot of web searches to stay as spoiler free as possible. So I'd not read up on a lot. Including info about enchanting. 

Then again there were lots of scrolls to bind an item so that it's stats could be increased at the expense of it's removal if/when your character was killed respawned. 'Lifebound' items are too much of a tradeoff for me. Items are dropped via luck. RNG and I are not good friends. Truth is I didn't want to risk loosing a 'legendary' item I may never see again with that system.

The more I look into the games systems, never mind define 'end game', the more I see how it really is a grind of a grind of a grind. Not a thing for my casualness. The game is fun to visit but not for a long stay like that. Again that's a me thing.

After just over 32 hours of gameplay I can say that I have more appreciation for the initial game journey than I did before. I also have a greater appreciation of the Forged class. Which does outdo all others in both damage and survival and all-round gameplay options(imho). It's a class that puts the action into the A of ARPG. Playing the other classes after it feels slower, more awkward and when dealing with large enemy groups very frustrating. Again I'll try each class and see 'how it goes'.... If I get them to level 10 I'll be 'happy'.... I'll have given it a 'good go'.

Including a new Forged character on Hardcore difficulty.

With a complete run I've also unlocked The Wanderer; The couch and genie for my fort that enables 'challenges'. For both good and bad 'rewards'. Whats a grind without negative rewards due to RNG!! I've completed a few of them but it's a system I'm not 'into. Not motivational, not a me thing at all in this game. 

I like the couch in the fort and the genie as well... Some great characterization with him.

As for the end boss, the story was 'ok' and the mechanics of the fight I felt were a bit more simple than others up to that point. Each boss unique in their way but I expected a bit 'more'.

Still no surprise that it's the boss that killed my character the most(three times due to the fire waves) so maybe I should shurup.

The game ends with an unsurprising open ended view. Always another fight ahead. DLC? Expansion?

Yet even after the end boss fight my charterer was still being called 'recruit'. It's the polar opposite of WoW where everyone is the super elevated known hero. It was a bit of a jarring moment to get back after killing the end boss, saving the planet and still be called recruit.... 

Lots about the game I like, some bit's I love; Some bits not so much, but that's more in the abstract view of the game. This is a game that's a completionist dream or nightmare... It's designed to go on forever. Great if your a casual gamer with no other games to play....  

I've completed my playthrough, done a lot and did it the best way on the best character(imho). I'll get some more time with the game on the other classes, then call it 'done, done'...... At least untill there 'maybe' new content(other than fort decorations).

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