Monday 9 October 2023

Another week another post. There's always something....


While I was never a part of it's ecosystem it's good to see that those that did have the option to change their controller; Allowing them to remain useful as controllers on other platforms. That said, time is closing in on Stadia controllers; A few months left to enable Bluetooth and keep them usable in this post Stadia world. December 31st Deadline.

Stardew Valley....

A quick reload and I was back, really not much to get back into. I was not that into the island content so no wonder I was 'done' with things. The Volcano Forge was worth it but once you've done whats needed there it's kinda back to the farm for some same'ol same'ol. Not a bad thing as I got to catch up on the life as well as do some things that were(always) 'ongoing'. Game fun is it's doing of it.

Dawn of Man....

It's been so long since I was really in and playing the game. With the updates to the game engine there was no better time. Seeing those changes in person I 'think' it's got more clarity in world detail as well as in game movements.... And the more that things happen on screen there was a lack of lag. Until the largest of rader attacks on 8 times speed. So no wonder there was some lag there! 
Still a game I enjoy playing and improvements, seen of not are all welcome. With a lot of my saves as late game villages it's been good to get back and streamline their workflows. Another game to enjoy in it's doing.

Darkest Dungeon....

Yea I didn't get to ready a group to take into the final Darkest Dungeon's form. I think it's more the expectation of difficulty than what will actually be. I do like to over prepare. So this last week has seen more of that. Gold, gear and XP gathered, heroes 'improved'. Will see what the next week brings!

Fights in Tight Spaces....

Agent 11 and Gun-Fu have been the order of the day. Just enjoying the gamplay.

Euro Truck Sim 2/American Truck Sim....

In a little under two weeks the Balkans DLC will be out for ETS 2. So I've been back in the game to check where I might setup some garages; And with what trucks. Theory crafting aside I was actually 'playing' the game; That said I felt like this pre-DLC time would be better spent in ATS

So I got back into American Truck Sim. A save in a really starter game there. It's a difference for sure. So doing more on it is more useful for the company than my joyriding in ETS 2. Two sides of the same coin.

Eve Online....

Where to start with this game. I've been back into it but not hardcore. Mainly on my alts as my main accounts/characters are non paid for game time. Not yet. The current 'sale' is tempting. But whats that they say about sales; A sale is only a sale if you intended to buy it in the first place. I wasn't intending to pay to play. But, but, but. It would be nice to get my mains up and running again. 12M OMEGA + 24M MCT

Anyway in the time I have spent in game I've been on an Alpha character I've mentioned in the past. A character I created from one of the free time cards from the second decade collectors editions. This character is a mini clone of my main character, not in looks but in game content(mostly). PVE carebear. So this last week I've gone into using him with abyssal content. Lower level stuff, so nothing major or crazy(if only Alphas could get access to level 4's again). Clean clone and an inexpensive cruiser to bash about with. Which has been enjoyable while adding some profit to his assets.

The Crimson Harvest event is back on for the rest of October, season that is coming(Halloween an all). This event has never interested me. Player conflict, specifically content to 'force' said conflict is even less appealing. What ever floats a persons boat, but there will be a lot of idiots non knowledgeable/ naive or clueless players killed. One persons content etc etc.....

I was surprised with the news in The Pulse that the implementation of the FPS game will be out with the next expansion of Eve Online. So next month? There really hasn't been much news about it in the Eve community or am I missing it all(probably). Is it under wraps since fanfest because it's so bad? So Good? No PR to get any feedback seems weird? NDA the NDA overkill. It's all a bit off one way or the other....... Eve Online's take on arena based extraction The Division style? Hardly unique. I have so many doubts.... Doubts about the general nature of this FPS's extraction gameplay being so niche even for Eve Players..... Where's the FPS generalisations; Team deathwatch etc etc etc...... Fee-fi-fo-fum Eve: Valkyrie anyone. CCP is getting a lot more like Google. So many dead apps/games. Whats next... FPS?
Having played Dust 514(too many posts here to link) I took a peek back at the main podcast I used to listen to.; More for nostalgia than anything else.
There was a PCGamer piece about Dust514 and this upcoming iteration which was interesting. Interesting to me to see the comments made by the dev for his reasons put forward for old iterations and this new FPS. FPS iterations and plans. At least this time it will be released on PC. At least this time it will be playable on that platform. As for talking about the article, I have far too much negative CCP bias/prejudice to take it all as good things. I'd need a post on it's own to vent that spleen, good and bad. Maybe I will. But we'll see what kind of game we get and what we end up with. What I will say is wouldn't it be great for a game franchise in it's 3rd decade, celebrating all the old achievements and legacies; The epic history of all that came before and was built on to actually f'n make good on some of those dámn promises they made! Wouldn't it? Dust 514 was part of the second decade edition. I'm not part of the lore tho my characters may be, but I was a paying customer and I'm still here so if they want me to pay again they better pony up the goods in game and out. They have a lot of work to do to make Eve players happy never mind those that are new to Eve(never mind a new FPS). TheLazyPeon: Eve Online In 2023
Star Trek Online....
Events, dailies and pew-pew's. Fun is fun. I've not been doing much more than playing the game. No super exciting happenings. Flying spaceships and walking in stations on planets and in starships. The end of the current event is showing up a lot of players that are lazy, bored and or clueless(to be kind). Players AFK, players at the end of an event who have no clue what to do it's all in there; And that's in the new Starbase One, the 'less involved' of the new TFO's. Which is annoying as other group members have to do more due to them. Pug teamwork at it's best I suppose. Just always surprises me given how easy it is to play the game, more so given STO does hold a players hand(instructions, indicators, voice overs, all repeated etc etc). Yea I'm narky.

The current Red Alert filler event has a few days left before the main Halloween event kicks off. The reward for which (pun?) is Dr. Crushers boyfriend.

So I've been hopping about on various alts, revisiting characters/ships and their loadouts. I'm not sure but some of them must have been altered by a previous patch or two. Bars/buttons/abilities etc are missing or rearranged. Not super annoying but I've been away from some of the characters for so long it's almost to be expected.

Not that I've used the service but the starship model printing is coming to an end(forum post here); Pity but at least it had a good run.

Gamma Recruits are returning(details) on the 12th of Oct. I've no need to create another one but then again they do start at a higher level(60) so is handy. Not that it's hard to level up but a handy opportunity. Then again it'd be my 4th Gamma recruit....... Do I really need to role play another character. Time will tell.

Dave the Diver....

Not too many screenshots this time round. I've not had so much gameplay time. Been pottering away with the game. Looking after the needs of the farm(veg and fish) as well as the actual restaurants. Mainly the main rather than the branch. I'm paused at the pre control room stage; So am close to the narrative end. 
Lots of fun left in 'just' it's doing! Taking my time at it.

Not Yet!!

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