Monday 16 October 2023

Ongoing enjoyment....

There's always gaming.

My console platform of choice; Just after the PC(overlord of all gaming). It's been a while since a game has been all consuming on Xbox. Just the way it's been. I've either been distracted or pulled away to PC. That said I've been giving more time to XBox pottering overall. Bit of a game here, there and yonder.
The ongoing shenanigans with the XBox windows apps and cloud storage, specifically with saving captured media goes on.

Despite the stop go nature it seems that Microsoft is 100% a go on it's Blizzard acquisition. As soppy  or sentimental as the add/trailer for the 'new new' is, I do like it.
Game wise I've still been 'pottering' away, mainly with Star Trek Online(more on that below). 
While playing that game more on PC I did take up 2 games via gamepass on Xbox. Besiege and DeadCells(again). Not for any serious progression, but all fun in the moment. Besiege is more a PC game for me, better controls/menu/ui(imho).

Another game I've played to bits on PC is Assassins Creed Origins; Another one I've found 'the same but different' when also experiencing it on Xbox when compared to PC. So that's been getting some time and fun gameplay done as well.

In messing about with emulation on my (Android) phone I was also getting to mess about with a Zero 2 controller which lead to updating it's firmware.

Which then lead onto seeing if the Xbox controllers(used on PC and Xbox) needed to be updated. Only the newer(with capture button) did(despite the image the windows apps shows).

Star Trucker....

While it may not be released till next year; There's still a lot being shouted in it's favor. I'm all for the hype as it's a game that does not seem to be over promising and so have the majority of probability on delivering(pun?) on release. Anyway I'm liking what I'm seeing. Again I can't shake recalling the Star Trucker side of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. If trucker gets a pool table as RGO had I'll be cracking up.

Sociable Soccer....

In a blast from the past the game is back on Steam after a corkscrew ride of a rollercoaster over years. The game is back on PC....

With a release date of the 16th of November it's almost too good to be true. This should be good. 

Planet Crafter....

The update is closer (as with many games this week. No gameplay this last week, but am all set for the update.

And I'm so slow in releasing this post on the Blog that the update is now live..... 

I've not gotten into it yet but tomorrow is another day and I'm looking forward to it.


Ongoing development in action and presented as P.R. Always interesting to see.

On the other side; The Last Night it seems is still 2 to 3 years away... Details of which seem hidden or on it's Discord.

Euro Truck Simulator 2....

The Balken DLC is a few days away from release. The pre expansion patches have continued to add and enhance different parts of the game. 

I've been taking a look around whats changed. Roll on the DLC.

I'd comment on American Truck Sim changes but I've not got many of the DLC's to make any kind of  informed assessment.

Star Trek Online....
The Halloween season is in full effect in STO on PC and console. I've been doing the daily on both and taken a few characters to get the Doff from Hearts and Minds(Just because) on both PC and console.
The usual Pick Up Group experience is on show this year as much as any; Lots of players who don't know what to do even with the event well into it's fist week. Skeletons only take damage in the candle light seems a very hard concept to grasp for such players. Already I'm no longer proactive with a one liner explanation  to try and move things along.... I hang back until things work them selves out more naturally... Which this morning meant I could do the entire run start to finish while my other account was still; 50%. Random is indeed random. I'm sure by the time the event is nearly over I'll be way more beyond just a 'grinds my gears' mood. I just really like that TFO; Great when you have a good group but so painful when they are not so good.

Anyway there was a freebie... Before hand I'd miss-read and thought it was a free ship but still good to get the 'look'. That may get used if altering a ship... Miss read?

Most of my time on Xbox STO has been with my KDF recruit. The ongoing struggle to casually complete his transponder goes on. Two still remain to be complete it.


Still I'm having fun with the ship/setup.
In the wait between TFO's and with a Dabo table nearby, things happen... Always get more GPL from betting EC than GPL itself..... Almost like there's a game system protection from exploit.

Eve Online....

Yea I did it..... I did indeed, 'do it'. Not once, but twice. Shame on me. I got both my main accounts the 12 month Omega with 24 months of Multiple Character Training. Despite all my 'going on' about CCP I really do like the game a lot. Or better to say the parts of the game I interact with.
The Crimson Harvest is in full swing(more or less); I still have zero interest in it.

As an info replacement to keep on top of the game and marketing(since delomneeolf)  OZ_Eve seems the best choice....
Being Omega I can set my characters in ships with full stats to reassess, ships, fits and assets in general. So many trips moving assets, station to station, Jita there and back again etc etc. It is what it is, especially after being away from it a while.... Forgot the Ibis(as a free shuttle) could look so good... And Jita keeps getting more sparkle to it's 'fullness'.

Not much gamplay; I'm still trying to co-ordinate with a friend on the far side of the world to get some old skool mission running up an running(so much has changed). It's been so long since we've gotten to do so. It's all been play by contract and eve-mail. Which can be good in it's own right. Different at least.


Dave the Diver....

After whittling down the screenshots to 170 it's still way to much.... So much happens in this game without even noticing. Time to aggressively subtract...

It was interesting to see some of the updates to the game.

I'm finished with the main story/campaign/narrative of the game. There is still the fun in doing it to do it. Gain coin, upgrade, train, enhance and fish, farm and serve sushi...... At least for the future I shouldn't have so many screenshots!

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