Monday 23 October 2023

Gaming on....

Another week that's seen a lot of game updates, a lot due to either back end of game engine updates; Or changes to improve in game game-play.
Updates and DLC have been had. For me mainly on Euro Truck Sim 2 and Planet Crafter.

Darkest Dungeon....

Darkest Dungeon has been very Darkest Dungeon despite it being on Radiant mode! The further into the weeds I get, the more I think the game is trolling. I've completed runs in both the harder modes and yet Radiant seems to be extra spiteful. That said I've completed the Darkest Dungeon run.
No matter what I was unable to take Dismas and Reynauld back into the Darkest Dungeon. Radiant mode is supposed to allow that but it wasn't working. For that achi to pop I had to change the game options and allow character entry. Changed to get it and then turned if off after(not that it mattered).

The biggest pain wasn't the end boss but the dungeon crawl just before where the mobs can teleport your crew anywhere in the layout. But the end was done and with only the 'expected' two losses during the end fight. A bit of an anticlimax but glad it's over with. The Crimson Court will prove to be a bigger challenge and a far larger pain in the roster.
With the main quest done I went about fixing up the high end roster(again). Also claiming some of the ancestor trinkets I'd previously missed from the normal dungeons. In a semi celebration of the end of the Darkest Dungeon I built the Red Hook

Star Trek Online....

MMO's in general are all about faffing about. More Eve Online(more than ship spinning, like asset management) for me than STO, despite playing STO on both PC and Xbox.

The PC version has seen me tweak ships/fits and characters. With some added tweaks to the looks of even the least used characters.

I'm enjoying the Halloween event despite the deterioration of P.U.G. quality. Those that enter and do not know or do not care about being a team player are almost at their peek as the event's main award should have been claimed by most by now. These extra runs are all about claiming the Dil. Anyway with the way things are either I'll grit my teeth and go on or start doing the single player 'options'.  

On the Xbox STO side I've been doing much the same as on PC. Dailies and faffing.... Due to the events the KDF recruit is not making much more progress on his transponder. The Winter event isn't going to help that much either.

Eve Online....

For another MMO I'm really playing it single player. Funny how many MMO's can be played that way, as well as the number of players who do so. Co-op with a friend doesn't really count in an MMO as being MMO....

Anyway gameplay and fun had. Characters improved, ships fitted and tweaked, industry had etc etc. Main income being from basic Planetary Interaction. Far from the industrialist I used to be. That said my friend(on the other side of the world) is back full time industry. The way he does things is anathema to how I like my isk wallet. He goes all out max outlay to gain max income over time. So much assets held on the market long term. I know it's how to do things 'properly', but I'm cursed with cautiousness. I call it sensible he calls it chicken. I like to remind him what he says when I have to loan him another ship or two. All part of the fun!
While I'm on my mains on paid accounts I still took time this last week to play that Alpha I was running in the Abyss. I wanted to run him there till the ship insurance ran out or he ran out of road.... As it turns out he ran out of road first. I'm sure I clicked on the wrong filament so was not doing the correct damage type as I did very little damage and took a LOT of incoming DPS hard. An end indeed.

Euro Truck Simulator 2....

The new DLC(West Balkans) opens up the map; So much more driving and delivering has been had and will be had.
I've already setup two new garages with trucks and drivers to enhance my trucking empire. Profits have been flowing in and those drivers have been 'improving'.

With the opening up of the DLC there is also the start of a new event(and that other event) to use both it and the Black Sea DLC. Always good to see.

So yea, lots of trucks and driving to do in the new content. I think this time round at least for my character in the DLC he'll be driving a mix between Daf and Renault trucks. Once I set those up that is. They are the least used in my trucking company and I don't recall the last time I owned one on my character. For now it's a case of sticking with an old reliable Iveco and doing some sightseeing in the new DLC.

Planet Crafter...
The new new-ness with all the new. It's been a content consuming time on the planet.
The two new areas are good additions to the game, Volcanic more than the Beach imho. Not that the beach is bad.... The Volcanic is just a more dramatic landscape.

With the new devices to boost production/power etc... I reached 400k currency just in time to be able to spend most of it on the fuses those devices need.
 But speaking of dramatic, some volcanic screenshots.....
The story of the previous planet crafter goes on.... I do like the lava outside the windows.


 The old large wrecks have all been added to as well. Each now has a vault room filled with goodies.

The new volcanic wreck of course needed to be fully investigated.
It was also fun to see the desert wreck get a way to finally and properly visit the bridge. New smashed window and vine to climb up.
The new fish is interesting but at a full 50 less than the golden fish it's not worth it other than to see/have.  The same goes for the new frog but it does look 'cooler'.


In the older world setup of stuff some changes to the world were narrowly averted by my Mushroom cave setup. The new rock additions were almost aware of the stuff I had on site!

To make some currency back I've altered the main export, now a mix of Fusion cells and chip filler.


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