Tuesday 2 July 2024

Another weekly(ish) waffle....

A bit more of a slow gaming week...But still busy enough!

This year(November) see's the next iteration of Farming simulator. Daggerwin has a good initial video on the recent cinematic trailer. Interesting times ahead.  
Steam's summer sale has hit and with it the 'bug' did bite and I have purchased 'stuffz'. Five more games to add to the catalogue...

Long time on my wish/watch-list Thunder Helix.

No Plan B and Door Kickers 2 have been recent editions to my lists and I have to admit to nostalgia to the older Rainbow Six games and their pre-mission planning for team member actions etc. So I guess I'm doubling down on that nostalgia.... Then triple and quadrupling down with another two.... In viewing the steam sales for both(No Plan B and Door Kickers 2) the first Door Kickers game was being sold as a bundle with Hot Brass, so got them as well..... 
Door Kickers

Hot Brass

So 4 games all about tactical swat/military room/house/area clearing.... I'd known they were a thing but in this sale and seeing what was there, really opened my eye's. No Plan B lead me to Hot Brass which in turn lead me to it being bundled with the first Door Kickers and that in turn lead me to the second Door Kickers.... Talk about diving head first. 
Door Kickers are by far the more 'professional' games in a more 'serious' way(graphic graphics). Yet both Hot Brass and No Plan B both have their take, style and mechanics that make them an addition to the genre not to be sniffed at. That said Playing Hot Brass first Door Kickers second; I wanted to keep playing Door kickers.... Trying No plan B didn't change that for me.... But it also made me appreciate Hot Brass more. So I then tried Door Kickers 2. It's better than the first game but it's not complete. It needs content like a main campaign... 
Yep Door Kickers wins. At least till Door kickers 2 can get the content it needs. 
I've no regrets about getting any of them. Each deserves time, it's just I've got the glut of them..... Time and space to breath will make each a better experience.
All that waffle said, Hot Brass is really the best option for co-op(online and split screen) play; I'd say in co-op it'd be hilarious fun. Solo is doable as a lone-wolf form of challenge but the other games shine more with teams to use. Fun in the eye of the optic viewer...
Not quite impulse buys but I definitely went down a purchase rabbit hole after Thunder Helix. Now I just need time to play them all.

Speaking of Steam sales.... 

There are a few games on my list that are waiting for both an accumilated bundle and price drop 'sale'.
Sniper Elite 5 is a bad one for that but one step up the list is Hitman 3 or as it's known now as Hitman World of Assassination. It grinds my gears.... A long standing irk I've had since the second game. How many times can a player buy the same content.... Three times is the answer and each time adds to the annoyance. Never mind 'having' to do the same content to unlock the same items to get the same things etc etc etc...... Great if your new to the franchise and best of luck to you but I'm not.... Having gone step by step up the version purchase stair each time they do the next iteration with little carry over it feel like I'm bieng pushed down.....
This will stay on the list till my conditions come around or I remove it from the list..... Time will indeed tell.

Star Trucker is just that, a game about trucking in space... Think Euro Truck Simulator 2 but more 'basic'/less complicated..... And in space..... I don't 'get' people in the discussions saying it's too basic or writing essays about how star citizen is better..... Star Trucker is not a Simulation, it's not trying to be a simulation, it's about 'driving' a space truck!!! S p a c e  T r u c k i n g ! ! ! ! It's in the name....
As for dissing the game for not being Star Citizen, I just don't know what they're on......
I've mentioned the game before and playing the demo on and off recently again has been so much better this time round. It's developed leaps and bounds in all the best subtle ways. Worth a try.

The more I've played the demo the more I've been reckless in order to get more from, 'just the demo'. Reminds me of when demo's were more a thing, 'back in the day'. Very, very playable demos.

Dave the Diver has just seen it's first anniversary with an update(plus hotfixes). Not an update that has prompted me to play the game again. Just pop in and out. Too many other games not enough time.
Star Trek Resurgence has received a patch (v1.1; Updates to improve the experience of the game for sure. All welcome.

My second playthough is progressing better this week than last time. As I've embraced the extreme alternatives in responses I'd usually not do. Some changes cause minor alterations, some do not. Save Bedrosian, send Maris to jail and more aggressive responses overall will need more long-term play to see how it all plays out to really judge from my fist playthrough.....

Star Trek Online.... Gameplay as ever of late is ongoing, more on Xbox than on PC......
PC gameplay is very much about dailies and endevours..... Just more daily than endevour. I'm really slacking off on interest; partially in anticipation of the summer event. Which I want to be or at least feel like more of an event.... Which I've been more into the last few years...
On Xbox;Yea waffle in coming...  I have to say the superior attitude of 'some'(and ever increasing) players in the advanced P.U.G. groups is out there.... Specifically(this time round), players that just bail on runs on joining groups; As they consider other players 'inferior'. It happens that often, I do the same but in judging which player is the 'leet' one that leaves first...
This last week has been a 'it grinds my gears' week in that regard, really, really has. So many players bailing.... It happens. I'm glad that groups where it does happen have turned out well. Or at least well 'enough'. I'm no min/max/leetist etc etc.. I'm more an underdog trier. But bleep me, some players!
There are other excuses/reasons.... Walk the dog, feed the baby, things that couldn't be pre-planned of course.... And ultimately like much else when interacting with general people in general, never mind 'public'; What does it matter when interacting with randoms online. Yea I'm off the deep end on this weeks rant....
Ultimately it's all random chance and co-incidence. This week has just been what it's been and the players I've crossed paths with have done what they've done; Just too many and too much of that type for me this week....

It's been 5 years since I created the PC Disco character, doesn't seem that long! But to 'be different', add to the 'something new to do' gameplay on Xbox; And be thematic with the Eisenberg ship I can claim...... Xbox will now get a 'version' of the same kind of character. Time enough to work on the same build.

Eve Online....While I've been doing the same ol same ol the extra demands on isk have skewed me towards ye old faithful isk generation method of mission running.... That and the new rewards of the daily do's. I was curious. Had I been back in the day doing missions with 2 accounts I'd be well in my element. However these day's the daily do's are work I don't need. Literally. For me to do them I'd be going out of my way to do them rather than (as I think they should) reward what you doing anyway.
So yea I've been doing missions on the character I've been assisting my Industry friend. He's one for long-term investments and returns.... Hence his constant near empty bank balance.... I'm invested in his endevours.... Time will tell. For now to cover expenses in those regards I'd rather see the isk in my wallet and spend as I go if needed.... While the larger picture is ongoing... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway.....
I'm very much more a background theory crafting investor. Works in the works. Game in itself.