Monday 8 July 2024

The more things change the more they stay the same....

Interesting video about the hidden files after the Witcher 3's modding tools were released.
One event in WoW that never really clicked with me is the Midsummer Fire Festival.
wowcrendor has a leveling series; His latest has included the festival. Leveling from the Midsummer Fire Festival with Crendor
gameranx has an interesting video out on 10 Most Disappointing Games of 2024 [First Half]: I can concur with a lot they list/say....
On an up side, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption DLC Trailer looks great! 
I've not gotten it yet but I did add it to the wishlist.....
With a title that does not do justice to the games talked about: 10 games like The Sims 4 that will let you live a virtual life.

A game I've drifted away from(pun intended) after the main campaign was done; Besiege. It has a new water based DLC, that is now an older DLC. Which is getting an update. It looks great. All new to me. Not one to get me back to the game but worth a mention..... Even if it's all old hat now....
Over the last 'while' I've tried again and again to 'get into' Fallout New Vegas, it's just not happending. A player can only try so much. Maybe it's just no the right time but it's not clicking with me. Again maybe I've been spoiled(term to drive Fallout New Vegas fans mad) by Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is 'just' more me....... 

Another game I've been retrying to get into; Despite the updates and time ..... XO, is another game I've not been able to 'get into'... Much as I try and as much as I lookup/watch etc.
The hat trick of games I can't get into despite having all the things(gameplay/mechanics) that should click with me is Plan B Terraform. I've ended up loosing interest. The game is all about it's doing but I end up loosing interest early on. Mistakes can be harsh and I end up feeling like other games would be worth the time(for now?).....
With the end of my second Star Trek Resurgence play-through I'm just as undecided on it's outcome as the 'alternative' choices to be made along the way. Yeap different things happen when you choose different choices in the course of the journey; But the end result is the same. Very much in a carried on to a next game way. It's ending is just as un-finalized, as finalized as things are and can be as so much seems set in stone.... So the changed/bioformed are still changed being the big story thing. Universe saved but still fubar... Charming.
Overall the game is good but it's unsatisfying overall as the final acts 'happen'. There's a missing satisfaction is the best way I can say of it. If considering it as an episode of Trek, it's like having the main story play out with 5 sub plots hanging loose, 10 further sub plots lost halfway and no 'to be continued' at the end. Ultimately choices allow things to be altered but in the end none of it really matters...
Guess I'm conflicted about the game and considering it's ending. Not sure if I can 'do' a 3rd play-through to try and make sense of whats there/alterable with more 'alterations'. I need time to ponder. Or maybe acceptance.


Star Trek Online has been maintaining my interest. Once again mainly on Xbox than on PC. 
On PC the summer event is my daily with not much else; giving the endeavours a break. I've not been interested in anything other than the new pet worm(I call them slimes) from the event store. Of which my Ferengi is a match. 

Xbox has both the summer event(ending Aug 1st); As well as Delete Alt Control(ending July 18th). So plenty of time to do both.

My newest STD character is a replica/imitation of a character from my PC roster(blue male alien). After creating my Xbox version (red female alien), the Prodigy uniform is not working the same for me. On Xbox the shoulder stripe and cuff rank(supposed to be the colour of the specialty), is way too dark or way to light in colour. So I resorted to make them black and remove them from the equation. Not that it matters as the gold color rank and comm badge works out better.
I also found the mauve top colour didn't work for me so went all in on making it the specialty colour. In stead of my PC guys Tactical red, this character has the blue of her science spec.

The cleaner look works for me.

I'd leveled her up in time to take advantage of both the current events but missed out on a day due to my being late the first day, but just in time for the Xbox outage to hit. 
Not that it lasted that long in the grand scheme of things but later that night I called it quits and left the daily till the following morning; Which all worked out.
Two characters at the ESD bank were of interest.
A Da'an look alike from Earth Final Conflict. First season was worth it as for the rest I think I didn't make it far into season 2(if you know you know).
I thought this was a good Worf lookalike called Alexander(son father confusion, fusion?). Might have gone a different way myself(more future TNG than DSN version). Still looks good.

Darkest Dungeon has seen some gameplay as well. I seem to be hitting a progress wall hard in it; There are no invites dropping at all, anywhere. No matter the location or difficulty. Kind of frustrating but I guess the RNG gods are against me!


Eve Online has been as usual a time consuming casual faff about. Mains, alts and alts of alts. The removal of the daily login rewards have not seen me log-into many an account. So some minor loss of free low end skill pints for 90% of my alts. The rewards going to an active style are not used/looked for by me and I get to claim some as a co-incidence of 'just' normal play. It's all very 'meh'. 

Eve had their own issues with downtime ( but I wasn't that perturbed in a 'these things happen' kind of way. If the servers are inaccessible, there's not much any player can do....

So yea, just been doing my own thing on whatever character(Omega or Alpha) that I felt like as the mood took me....
I used to watch delonewolf on youtube; Mainly for the market analysis/trends and for his Eve Online content in general. Which I have to admit I've missed.... His last video was a year ago(to the day 8/7). Not that there aren't plenty of other youtubers on the subject but each to their own. There was a crossover with another youtuber that I used to watched EVE-Prosper that lead me to him, who went more into the analysis side of the market. Even now there is a' newer youtuber' doing that as well (OZ_Eve).  A daisychain of content providers. I guess it's all a time and timing thing as well. Very much in the moment.

Speaking of youtubers, I usually catch up on some of Markee Dragon's Eve gameplay etc. But recently he's been doing AI music and some are interesting....

Anyway, screenshots ahoy

Fly Safe o7

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