Thursday 19 December 2013

Faffing about with Eve.

With my recent dental problems I've not been in the mood to do a lot over the last week. So not a lot was done in gaming, never mind posting stuff up here…but I still got to faff about with Eve.

My main finished off a few level 4 SOE missions to get enough LP to buy the SOE frig BPC – and built it. I did enjoy having both my mains in command ships blasting npc's like the proverbial knife through butter. I got a chance to check out the new remote tractor unit while doing so and its a great help. 
That's one ship built for both mains and my "better" alt. It's nice to build something special like that, not sure why I never really did it before.

I had cast an eye on the cruiser BPO's, at the time the cost of buying the BPC and materials was cheaper than buying the finished cruiser. This peaked my interest as I could invest in a few BPC's add in the minerals, produce the ships and sell on contract or market for a profit. 
The only reason I have not done so was due to the small margins on big investments. There is such heavy market undercutting and the time sensitive nature means pressure to sell quickly. Was a nice idea better left to the bigger market moguls.

In messing with fits I had my main alt in a Level 4 mission hub, a Raven with ammo and a remote tractor unit in the cargo and a flight of salvage drones as well as the full flight of 5 medium drones for combat. Solo level 4's with that arrangement would have seen me never getting a second account! 

I took my lil Minmatar alt out for a spin in a cov-ops frig to see if I could do any of the data and relic sites. Just as I was about to log off I read online that the sites were mainly spawning in COSMOS constellations. 
The penny had dropped! So I set course and within 2 jumps there I had scanned down a data site.
The systems are all around the 5.0 security statues. Safe enough as long as you are not silly.
I got to do a few data and relic sites and despite some can's blowing up, the lil mini game is addictive if not overly lucrative… 
I had aimed to skip data sites and do relic sites as the community blogs were saying data sites are just not worth it, that relic sites are the most profitable. Overall I've found the opposite way has been true for me so far. Well to clarify both versions of the sites were not giving me any great loot. But I did them all as I needed the practice. Of the sites I did, only one item was good, a circuit from a data site that was worth 2.4 Mill all the rest was rubbish.
The loot explosion is annoying and  the randomness of what you get in no way bears any resemblance to the cargo scanned loot you see. 
The mini game is a lil random and you really get about two chances at it before the “can” explodes. If you don't get to pickup the wrench or "data cache" in the game you may have an "unsuccessful" attempt.
Interesting lil venture but I won’t be making a living out of it. 

Spending the time in null is a much more steady stream of income. If reds are around and I can't do things in null at last I now have another lil diversion.

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