Friday 20 December 2013

Some more time to rant and waffle...

No real point to this post... just a rant and waffle.... (waffle, vague speech or writing)

With a game that's been on the go for just over 10 years, and one that is so player driven I am surprised that there is not more out of date information littering the net. 

I hate seeing posts about Eve when done by players in a very skewed arrogant way, that are along the lines of this quote:  

 "A solo player can run the sites and earn some seed money, PI earns 5-10B/month, especially for the direct-highsec systems. So these systems are ideal for someone who is new to WH space to learn the ropes."

That's a line from Greedy Goblin's latest post about his current existence checking out life as a wormhole resident. Granted he has a few accounts and a load of pilots trained on them. As he says "With 12 trained pilots (only 4 accounts)".   Only..... ONLY 4 accounts... yea that is some skewed perspective compared to the normal Eve gamer. What's normal in Eve!! I have 2 accounts and even if I was playing 24/7, 7 days a week I don't think I would have enough isk scheme's to buy plex for them, never mind make Billions from PI.

These types of bloggers assume that players earn massive amounts of isk in game. There is an undertone of snobbery that smells like players can make that kind of money if they really tried. As if everyone's brain was wired the same way. So whatever perspective he ends up doing a conclusion on his WH venture I'll be taking a 12 Kilometer backstep before reading it. But I'll still read it.

I guess my gripe is that the top 1% that can make the game twist to their financial tunes, in a big way and they do a lot of blogging.
It just bugs me. That's just me, probably because people like that get to be heard first and influence more. Both in a good and bad way. 

Gevlon our greedy goblin for instance, his last venture was to go gank miners on some minor pretence that they were not fitted correctly, and he blew up a LOT, Billions a month. So really his only claim to fame is that he has a massive spreadsheet brain to farm isk on the markets and then use it for whatever pigeon brained idea he thinks is important at the time.

I just realise that in ranting on I've singled out Gevlon, this is really not a personal attack on him. He just happened to be the last post I read before the pot boiled over on what has been simmering in my thoughts for a while. 
Now I have a blog and I can rant online.

Imagine I had a shiz load of isk like him and I decided to mess with his shiz in game. Neither fair nor warranted and I wouldnt' want it happening to me. But its the game and can be done, it doesn't mean its right.

There is a lot of that in this game... boiled down its the same as having power and can step on someone cause its easy. 

A person with a voice online, a load of isk in game can do a lot of bad, I've never really seen people do good. Sindel is probably the only one I know of that has done good with her Angel Project.  But even she was abused.

I'm not talking about people donating plex for good, good and bad, I'm talking about in game as players. It's a fine line. A lot of people say they dont' role play and when they play Eve they play as themselves, but that's not 100% true, everyone is escaping to a universe far way, this one just lets you be brutal without the RL consequences.

I think I've done enough waffle for today...
My current games are Splintercell Blacklist, Xcom Enemy Within.  WoW and Eve of course.
I may get one more post in before the real Chimbo season starts.

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