Thursday 5 December 2013

The shakes....

Over on a good post had gotten a few bloggers to comment about the subject of 'the shakes' that players get when engaged in pvp.

A great post about their own experience is

I've felt my heart pounding and I've done the irrational reactions when being engaged.
Calm and logical thought goes out the window for me especially when I was first starting to get targeted.
For me it started in hi-sec being targeted/scanned when flying cargo ships.
Then when trying to get into activities that included low-sec space ( mainly cosmos missions ).
But it wasnt' until I entered Null for the first time that it became such a common occurrence that I really got used to it. I got used to expecting incoming fire/neuts/webs/scrams etc. I learned to predict things I'd run into, and in doing so how better to defend against them. I'm not saying that I don't get a tingle of excitement or an increase in heart rate, I do. But it isn't incapacitating to my gameplay anymore.

A few posts I did when trying to get my lil amarrian alt into null to get jump clones "the easy" way are the best example of how my experience has varied my gameplay in comparison to my earlier eve days.
Before, I would have been docked for hours trying to mull over the should I or shouldn't I consequences before an undock and go, if it even happened at all. Now with that alt I just undocked went and did it, got blown up twice then went back for more and got blown up, got what I wanted and got blown up again. Granted I lost 53 mill in implants for not thinking it through enough but they are replicable.
So better to have gone and done it even with 4 explosions (two ships and two pods), than to have sat in station mulling over the repercussions and what if's.

The key to loosing the shakes is to get rid of the risk, not the risk you are going into but the risk of loosing something you have, lessen the value of what you are invested in flying with. Expect the worst.
Fit that tank on your hauler and loose the low cargo extender and fit a warp stabiliser instead. If you expect to loose it you'll be surprised to live and dock, then get to do it again.

another example is with hauling loot out of null, this for me would have had my heart in my throat, but now I'm reading intel and judging the best time to move, in a well fitted ship, with the support of an alt, its a risk but at least its a minimised risk.

The old saying of "Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can't afford to lose" is as true today as it was years ago.

A lot of people talk about this trailer and mock it. I really like it as it gives a true reflection of what happens in game, from a players perspective and is a lot truer than the other trailers, good as most are.

This is another great post that is also linked to the theme of how connected people are to Eve, worth a read.

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