Tuesday 8 September 2015

My Battlefield 4 Update....

I've been back to BF4 with a vengeance, putting in way to many hours of game play. I attempted to screenshot some bits but I decided to finally log into EA's Battlelog. It's been worth doing so as the images below are always gonna be better than my shaky cameraphone pics. I'm still thinking of that video capture device but the longer I wait the more unlikely it is that I'll get it... roll on XBOX One for Chrimbo.

The last few days has seen me level from 96 to 102, not to shabby.

As of writing I'm almost 103

One of the better options among the pile of info on the website is seeing what battlepacks are close to being claimed. That's just an open invitation for free stuffs! 2 kills here with this and 8 kills there with that, it's a motivator!

I'm not a player that loves the vehicles, I do use em and I do help out in them but they're not a first choice when on the battlefield. I much prefer to blow them up.

My current setups

I'm happy with the way my Assault, Engineer and Support fittings and setup, some minor improvements here and there as is usual for some circumstances.

 The class I play the most by a long stretch is the Recon. Usually as a sniper.

I've also used the Recon as a class that for the most part has leveled up the Carbine weapons.

My toss a coin carbine favourite is between these two...

And again for the Shotguns.

Before my Xbox Live subscription lapsed I had started on the last weapon group. I'd gotten a good few unlocked along with the other bits that go with the weapons. I've used these on Recon as well and oddly enough they are also a class of weapon that I've used with silencers. The DMR(Dedicated Marksman Rifles). 

Now that I've started playing again and just as the last surprise expansion of Night-time operations has been gifted I've found myself using these on the Recon as the best fit for the nighttime shenanigans. Everything has fallen into place. It's almost ideal. I'm truly loving the new game mode, night or thermal vision, silencers and a pinch of sniping. /faints :)

Of these DMR weapons I've been made good progress to level through the them. The SCAR-H SV is a great weapon and one of the last to be unlocked, it's my current rifle and what I'm using most for the new night game mode. However, there is one rifle that unlocks early with this class and I find it better than the SCAR. The SVD-12. Unfortunately for me I've not unlocked night or thermal scopes to use with it 'yet'.

For now I'm using the SCAR and it works but I know the SVD is so much better. So between playing fun night ops games with the SCAR I'm trying to unlock the packs that will give a scope I need... A night vision scope is good but a Thermal is better.... 

In rearranging my fits and gear I also found this knife, I'm not sure when it unlocked....

I broke out laughing when I saw it first! I'm really glad the developers have seen the funny side of their games through a great comic series. Glad they included it with the description. I've changed my Recon setup to have it :)

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