Wednesday 18 November 2015

Star Citizen.... deflated.

Myself and a friend both bought into Star Citizen. I did mainly because I introduced the game to him, as he went completely bonkers, head over heels in love with the game I decided I better buy a starter Aurora pack. I admit I bought a few other bits as well. Some with in game money and some with real cash. All in all I think I spent about €50. My friend has spend hundreds on the game. Both of us spoke and talked about it and as time has gone on we are both peeved with the amount of time it's taking to get any kind of game builds released to backers/users/players. I've complained a few times on this blog about the glitches not being fixed from one build to the next. Most famous for me was the sliding "golfcart", you run up to it and it would slide across the floor.

This was fixed recently but there is no real gamplay in these releases and there are more constant redesigns and bug fixes of bug fixes for stuff that hasn't been released. It's annoying. I think the big hullabaloo about being sued has made them see that they need to give backers something more substantive than the same talk on what they are doing over and over again.
PTU feedback was interesting in parts.
There is so much in this game and it is all so interconnected that it may take a loooong time to get a "release" build, if it ever gets released at all. Never mind a polished release build.
The latest update is interesting if you can read it through but I would prefer a game to play instead of talk that no longer has any hype left in it.

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