Tuesday 24 November 2015

Star Trek Online.... Continuing Voyages

My adventures in Star Trek Online have been ongoing. Thankfully I've not had any repeats of past experiences where I have been blocked and stopped from progressing. Since the new expansion I've found the game a more forgiving experience and that's a good thing. And not seen any of the previous odd or buggy behaviour.
I've completed all of the episodes bar the Delta missions which I am about half way through.
Rather than difficulty the Delta missions are a lot more convoluted. A mission in Delta requires visiting 4 locations and each of those locations is the same as a "normal" space mission. These larger missions seem to be a continuing theme. For me it's a bit of a grind with the progress. I'm also relying more and more on my fleet support ability so maybe I'm speaking too soon on being blocked by tough NPC's.

And now a few screenies:

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