Wednesday 18 November 2015

The give and take of Fallout 4....

I've played Oblivion and I've played Skyrim and spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many hours faffing about with side quests of side quests in far flung corners of maps that I should never have gone near.
I appreciate those games but they do suck the life and soul from you, not to mention the time whirlpool they are. With all that in mind I was never a real fan of sinking more time into the fallout series. I appreciate it and it's similarities to the games I've played but I'll stick to watching a play through and be entertained by that instead. Many a True Nerd has a great playthrough version going at the moment:

Again in saying all that I do have to agree with the video below on the negatives:

All in all you give and take with these types of games.....

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