Sunday 8 May 2016

Star Wars Supremacy/Rebellion....

With the recent Star Wars steam sale for May the 4th. I saw a game I had been unable to play on modern operating systems. With a nice % off I decided to take the plunge and spend that €3 on Star Wars Rebellion.
A quick download later and I was back in the game. I was a little concerned at it being the US version instead of the UK version I had previously played. Same game, different title and glad to say my memory of there being a bigger difference in versions was unfounded. I even got to load up my 15 year old saved games across to this new version!

Lots of detail for the micromanagement minded. And the plus of being able to forge an empire as the "Dark Side".
Loading up the last save I saw that I had done what I usually do with games like this, circle the wagons and build up overwhelming force.
Yea I seem to have gone out of my way to setup specific garrison/planetary & fleet defences. With the "special" characters spread out to bolster forces between those planets/facilities and fleets.
And with what looked like a nice collection of captured rebel leaders on my deathstar. Nice.
Some games can't pull off micromanagement well, but this does. And at that price to get it working again is a treat.
With organising an empire and having a set layout and overwhelming force there are always troops/ships and characters left over. Those "leftovers" were formed together to be the aggressive force outside my "borders". It's so like what I had done years later in Rome Total war.
Taking my time no don't to harass the enemy and pick them apart. All the while not really minding loosing some of the troops and lesser characters. Replacing things as I could.
I'll be having a bit of fun with relearning the game and seeing what decisions I made between the saved games.
One thing I know for sure is that the last save game on max game speed leads to information overload. To me more accurate notification overload :)
So far the game is living up to the nostalgia.

Here is a good play through by a Youtuber: Pravus Gaming

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