Saturday 24 December 2016

Eve Online.... Day 11 gifts.

Ah there's the venture SKIN, once for everyone in the audience. Thanks CCP...

And a venture to put it on. OK.

So if this SKIN comes with a free ship to use with it where were the others.... I jest, I know I should be happy with the skin, and I am, I'm just confused as to why this skin came with a ship to put it on.  Where were all the ships for the other skins given away... its the lack of consistency from CCP.
If it was to be really meaningful to get this ship why not give it a fit, even a civi module fun fit.  Or some mining skill books... Anyone who uses a Venture has one already, it's not like they are rare. Anyone who doesn't probably won't want the venture they will just "learn" the SKIN or sell it.
So to get the ship as part of this "gift" really is meaningless.

I could go on and waffle but its the randomness again today that get to me.
I'd have said nothing but great to get the skin if it was only the skin but they went and gave the ship.... what was the point of that. None.

Brings to mind my Day 9 gift afterthoughts....

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