Sunday 11 December 2016


I'm still persisting with my 1st planet's base, it still has problems with malnutrition and starving colonists despite the changes I've made.
Crop changes/rotations, storage problems, visitor intrusions, unlucky asteroid hits(despite trying to mitigate it) and starvation/malnutrition.
It's all checks and balances, too much or too little of one thing can screw you up in a domino cascade of failure. I think I mentioned that before.

It's strange that there is no alarm of notification about a lack of storage space, the game warns you with multiple visual and audio warnings for everything else.
For the asteroid mitigation, saving a lot helps. The game FAQ states that the next 20 meteor strikes are precalculated. Which is strange as they say that right after saying they are totally random. It's to stop people reloading games after a bad hit from one. So to work around it I reload my game before asteroid impact. Turn off the structure so the colonists leave it. Let the asteroid hit and hope there wasn't a colonist or two passing through the building. Then after the hit let the engineer's fix it and I turn it on/active again. So the purpose of precalculating the impact to stop people from reloading saves is worked around by people reloading the save....

The game is filled with 'And', 'If's' & 'But's'.... Sometimes RNG just makes you her bi*ch.

So if your base has lost all it's engineers and your waiting for more but for now your dependent on robots for construction.... Guess what can happen.... If your 6 bots don't return to base in time and get "killed" in a storm, that leads to a lot of 'consternation'.  

Despite having all the tech available it doesn't seem to help all that much:

When it said this:

I said yes. I was not expecting large group to mean "LARGE group":

The last milestone on this planet is the main driver to see success, the max population I've gotten to was 187:

It's all a challenge.....
It's all a challenge.....
It's all a challenge.....

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