Saturday 31 December 2016

Eve Online.... That ticket.

After speaking with a GM via the ticketing system I have an answer but not a satisfactory one. The GM was uncharacteristically contradictory in giving me answers.

After a lot of back and forth to restate information that was in my first message I was told that there were indeed items to be redeemed in my system. I sent on screenshots of my empty redeeming system. I thought this must mean there were indeed extra items to claim but that there was some error with the redeeming system on my accounts.
But no the story went on to more contradiction from the GM. This and growing irritation for me in having to restate information I had already given peeved me off.
Worse still was trying to explain to a GM that the e-mail form his company was informing me of extra gifts that had not appeared. It's in the title "EXTRA".

He didn't get it. And in the end I couldn't be bothered to push the issues of his contradictions/explanations.

Which leaves me back at square one.
So ultimately I get an e-mail form CCP after the 12 days of Christmas gifts are given out and completed. It says that "extra" gifts are to come. But they don't. After my interaction with a GM I'm ultimately told I've claimed all there was to claim(today). So really what the extra gifts mail is talking about is the last day gifts of the "12 day's" and the usual gifts form the "new year" celebration.

There is nothing else.

Deleted expletive filled patagraph....

So really CCP why send the e-mail about EXTRA gifts, why send an e-mail at all!

Oh look an e-mail on how I rate the support I received....

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