Thursday 15 December 2016

No Man's Sky.... Again....

I've returned again to take a trip in the game. The enhancements to the universe are all good additions. The changes seem to have made the accumulation of materials to make warp core's less abundant. I'm finding it easier to sightsee on planets for cash, gathering what I can as I do and then head to the space station. Once docked up I use the money from sightseeing to buy everything else I need to make the fuel. Hardly exciting stuff. Maybe it's just the planets I'm finding. Procedural generation and all.

Yet again I got a chance to take a wormhole....

Yet again the wormhole travelled me a large distance at a tangent that somehow makes my journey a little less.  Starting with 160946.5 light-years to the centre I take the wormhole travelling 818161 light years in "a" direction landing me at a destination that is 159593 light-years to the centre.
Dear space friend find me a wormhole that is short and to "the" point! I feel that wormholes are pointless. As is the journey to the centre at this stage. It will take so long to get there isn't frustrating and why should I bother knowing the spoiler that is worth spoiling....

Maybe I should build a base and retire.....

There is something in me that will not let go of the game until I get "value" from it. I don't know what that value is.... Reaching the centre of the universe, a try of the survival mode.... build at least one base....

Time will tell.

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