Sunday 9 April 2017

A brief view....

I tried out Squad for a bit this weekend. Not for as long as I wanted but still a good hours worth of game time. My time was curbed mainly by the full servers, no surprise given the free weekend.

I veered away from the open slots on the lower ping servers.

Graphically the attention to detail seems on par with Arma 3. That's not to say that all portions of the game are perfect, it's still well in development. There is a lot of polish to be applied yet.

Controls are easily memorable, no really complex button mashing contortionism. I still stand by my view that Squad is the perfect mid ground between the likes of Battlefield 4 and Arma 3.  Trying it out confirms that to me. Intricate but not overly complex and more approachable in a pick up and play kind of way.

The game does depend on a lot of interaction between players. The more organised the group the better. Get on a server that has an open space in a squad who's leader is afk/noninteractive and you will be in a world of hurt.

Long story short it's a game worth keeping an eye on. 

This video is a good view of a gamer going into into Squad as a single player.

The games video tutorials are also worth a watch and show a lot of thought on how they want their community to work together.



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