Monday 10 April 2017

Eve Online....

I've had this post as a draft for what seems like month's. To talk about patches, game changes and the way they have changed my gameplay. I've gone from rewriting it in a glass half full kind of way to a glass half empty, from not caring to a boiling vat of rage. In all the rewriting one thing stayed the same, the Eve universe goes on, people adapt and in the end what was all the fuss about. If you did it before and it's changed you either keep doing it accepting the changes or you never do it again.

A lot of what I was going to talk about was made redundant by the arrival of fanfest. Changes on changes with more planned make for more of a fluid landscape that needs to be commented on there and then, if not the item you wanted to talk about has moved and shifted.

Fanfest. Backslapping, Backslapping, Backslapping, with CCP overall promotion at no other event it's no surprise that they should slap themselves on the back at Fanfest. It such a hard backslap that I'm sure it even hurts the onlookers over the internet like me. It's cringe worthy stuff at times. CCP doing what CCP does best, makes me roll my eye's a lot.

It's never a good sign when your skipping ahead in a presentation. New vids are done well but I'm not drooling over them and in watching the first day I skipped over the second viewing of the intro vid during the keynote. Then again I'm not the target audience.

New Intro video: "Birth Of The Capsuleer"

EVE Online - Between Fanfests (2016-2017)

CCP ghost, stole the show for me. He can present well and does so in a personal way that draws you in and makes you connect more with him, his job, his mission in the company and the changes he is forging.

It's a very delicate balance with the space colonization "dream", I'm glad there is a pause and they are not going to do it for the sake of doing it.

What did I really take away from Fanfest this year... The dynamic PvE in the winter expansion. I can only shudder at what is to come in that regard. I'm not that hopeful and expect a shitstorm lot of changes to fuck with my chi change the game.

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