Thursday 24 January 2019

Star Trek Online....

I may not like anything to do with Discovery but this Mirror version in STO maybe one of the more true to cannon elements around(usual STD disclaimers apply). Which makes this STO episode an interpretation of an interpretation of Trek canon. There's a lot to filter through on how this all fits together but it works for what it is. STO has a lot of get out of jail cards when it comes to canon, but does it well with this new content.

The new episode missions are better than previous additions. More voice acting, better graphics and less replication of older in game asset's. That's not to say there aren't element's repeated from older missions; mainly defeating multiple waves of enemies. It's a staple of STO that wont' be changing any time soon, but it's not over used here.

The in game cinematics are done really well(Spoiler vid below!).

A nice touch added was on the character screen. One thing from Eve Online that changed with their logon screen(years ago) was they abandoned an animated selection screen(still hope?). Thankfully STO hasn't and the new version has a lightning burst effect across the screen and character/crew. It's a small thing but an emotive cool factor to see.

I'm a little disappointed to see there is no 9th Anniversary holographic display on Earthdock this year. Strange they didn't add it in. They've had one every year, even last year:

As for day two of the 9th Anniversary ship mission, Q's daily as usual. Not a hard thing, not a chore. Unlike the new daily Personal Endevors. Which so far for me, has all been out of the way with numbers not worth doing. Yesterday's events included winning Gold Pressed Latinum, which I did as I was near a Dabo table. I've not looked into the greater overall rewards system for completing the dailies but I'm not convinced it's worth doing. Grind for the sake of it is not me.

On an up note I completed the last reputation to level 6. Now to think about the account wide reputation recognition. I wonder if it recognizes the old character vouchers at all???

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