Saturday 24 August 2019


Never say never.... Some more tweaks/changes to the ship fit as well as their level upgrade. This time the addition of the other Discovery rep space set, Lorca's Ambition.

Seeing as I already had the torpedo fitted I felt I might as well add the console and dual beam bank. The other motivation was mainly down to not needing to grind and replace all the forward dual beam banks. Thankfully just the one was needed for the set and your only allowed to fit one anyway. 

The latest patch has made some changes to abilities that may have given false stats to previous DPS charts. Adding the set post patch seems to have decreased the overall DPS of the ship by minus 2500, but that may be down to needing to update the software. Be it down to the game patch, DPS software or the new fit, further study is needed. 

That's the problem with looking at stats/numbers, no matter what MMO your in. For STO, DPS output isn't everything; Yet it's such a definable overarching point, a single number you can hold up as greatness, failure or mediocrity, regardless of the fun factor.

The recent news about an in game test/DPS parser/feedback scenario is epic news!

I also went back to a mission "Home" which I'd done when it originally came out but never redid since to pick up the Phased-Waveform Beacon device reward. Another one to add to the inventory and access during space combat if/when needed. Options!

I've seen some great, well equipped and powerful canon builds on player ships in TFO's again recently. I'm sure that type of build is a lot more complex and needs a ton of min/max'ing to make happen. For me I'll stick to the cannon build I have, it's not totally useless but the ship I'm sure could be better used with an application of different weaponry. As I can't do cannon builds I'll stick to the "cannon builds suck" theory and fly what I do have for fun.

I did the last Arena last Thursday for the Section 31 Rifle. That went around fast!

Not that I'll use it. Maybe an alt or their crew might get some use out of it. Maybe, maybe not, I'm still fond of a previous unlock the Mirror dual pistols. The burst fire from multiple bridge officers can be hilarious to watch as they melt an enemy group.

I've also tweaked my main's, main weapon. Removing my much loved multi hitting Fluidic Assault Beam for the sat in a bank, free lobi bought Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon. Keeping the Exchange bought Herald Beam Projector staff as the dusty unused secondary.

It might be handier if I set the secondary to a winter event weapon......

Since switching out the Fluidic weapon I found a situation where I needed to tag multiple npc's for an endeavour mission. Given the number of players pouncing on every spawn I was glad to be able to multi hit npc's in groups. Very situational but funny to need it after a main weapon reassessment and swap out.

Going into the ground team build can be as much hard work as getting the ship right.

I'm happy with what I have and the recent changes I've made to my character. As for Bridge officers, I'm open to changing their abilities but I'll back away slowly from even attempting to min/max the ground side. Besides I'm sentimental about the officers, they've been with me since day one.


All of this has me thinking that my main is above average, perhaps not by much but enough to make a difference in a team. Space more so than ground. The thoughts of doing similar changes, upgrades and tests on my alts is a daunting task. Daunting not only in getting gear and upgrading it but in the number of alts I'd 'have to' to it with. I know that in giving the alts a brief look/check and rejig it would only lead me to a more lengthy deep dive, that in turn would be a massive time sink. The alt's don't really need it. They're equipped in an 'ok' way and have access to a lot of stuff, unlocks etc. I think a better use of the time is to concentrate on other unlocks from temporal/delta agents etc. Or to be specific with factions, like my Klingon character. Then again there's the Jem'Hadar with it's agent rewards and faction that I've not done much with.

So much that can be done......

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