Tuesday 17 November 2020

Star Trek Online....

Apt for a late night waffle: I don't get how STO calculates stats. 

I try but I don't get it. I'm sure there's an institutional knowledge thing that's not written down...... I've seen experienced players give advice to newer players but it all seems to boil down to then experienced hand making choices over the newer for 'reasons' akin to 'just do it' as an explanation. That's kind of annoying when trying to work stuff out yourself. 

Maybe it's just me. Not that I know stat thresholds or what % is best for what 'meta' build......I'm not a min/maxer; But like to think I have some knowledge. 

So when the latest patch hit and reset all(personal/space/starship) traits on characters I forgot and took my 'best' ship(that last build) into a TFO; Instead of needing to check my mains traits to see why I was doing 'bad' dps... I needed to check his traits to see why he was getting 100k crits! First noticed with a 127k crit! Then I saw no traits slotted......

At the best of times with the fit I've 'complained' in the past that it was hitting way below it's 'expected' 100k ish expected levels............. So why now with a character that had no space traits slotted does it do above what I expected.... 

So yea I don't get how STO calculates stats or how to 'do' stats stacking in this game.......

Putting back some traits I thought 'good', it's a ship that now does consistently 'good' at around the 50k mark. 

As for my 'common sense' build on my Xbox main... Her ship does about the same or better DPS judging by the high numbers that are consistently popping. Am happy about that, even if I can't explain it. Different platform, different rules in the background?

I still wsth there was a way to get a DPS meter in game. There was talk a while ago but I'm not sure if that's memory playing tricks or a long lost dev post(or reddit post) long ago .....

Anyway this last week pre patch I'd been messing about with canon builds, to put in the time to at least say I tried. I'm getting better but that needs a separate post. I'm still keeping my cannon ship/builds away from the beam boats. For now at least, till I feel like I can pilot them all equally enough..

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