Wednesday 15 December 2021

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw....

Spoilers ahead....

And just like that it was over..... I'm still a bit stunned by the ending. It was a sudden end but not an unexpected one from a story point of view(given the character).

I'm getting ahead of myself, where was I from last time... 

Getting so far into the main story while also persisting with 'buddy' missions seems to have stemmed the flood of those buddy missions. They felt never ending but I can appreciate the cash income as well as the (some)story-lines. I guess it was the tsunami of 'help me' messages all at once that was off-putting. As were the buddy communication looking for help(again and again)after any completed mission, all muddled up and confusing. I persisted to get them done before the next main story mission. Story wise it could have been done a little more slowly and with a bit more nuance to make me feel like I wanted them as a buddy... Immersive it was not. One was't a choice I'd have made(Conor), but it is 'forced' as part of the main story. Others at the very least have a bit of character and an independent story to move things along and even be likable. Some buddies story-lines are left hanging(in my view). Others are wrapped up nicely.

 The end game is long enough and hard enough fight wise that it's interesting without being frustrating.

It just seems the more you reach the final line the more the story speeds up regardless of the narrative. It can be jarring. The main quest-line has two main threads. One is left open on purpose(next game  or DLC), the other so quick in it's resolution that it's end was like a guillotine(see gif above). That's not to say they aren't bad but there's more questions than answers. Reading up a bit online seems there was talk that the game had registered the choices made for the potential of future DLC carryover.... Which never happened. A pity both for the game and the players. Which in turn makes me ask questions about it's development given it's Epic store exclusivity deal delays etc. 

As for endgame one thing I will say with the 'mothership' police fight is that the cover you can get parked between it's engines is a life saver. Acting just like I was a stationary turret and the ship my shield.

Even at that it was enjoyable to watch(while also shooting and using ECM etc etc). A real capital ship fleet fight like those I've been part of in the Freespace games(the game again with the nostalgia). 

So the dialogue choices have no real game effect. You could say they are for flavour as the results in the conversations are neutral to the choice you make. Good for my gameplay point of view(balanced). Which I liked given the overall story and how she's never really your character to play but her own(your just there to push buttons to make it happen); So your not forced into it and there's a Matrix style perception of choice. That's not all a bad thing for the game.... I'm waffling now.

I may be giving off a lot of negative vibes but I was happy with pretty much everything in the end. Overall and in retrospect some buddies could have been done better and the ending could do with some finesse. 

Makes me also want to know more about the first game(in Juno's future); But that might be a bridge too far for me right now.

All said and done I'll spend some more time in the game. It's an enjoyable universe to be in.... If I can impart anything I'd say play the game for what it is(in it's doing) than for the ending.


While I don't consider that I've done every activity in game with my 60 hours I seem to have clocked up above average time with it due to enjoyment.


The idiot's Guide To Finding Points of interest in Rebel Galaxy Outlaw -

The Ultimate Ship Guide for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Ships, Builds, Combat, and More -

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw – 100% Achievement Guide -

RebelGalaxy Outlaw - Getting Started!

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