Tuesday 19 August 2014

Last ..... weekend / few days....

My null alt got into a weekend of mining, enjoying the boosts from alliance fleets all mining in system. Despite the war targets, aggressive neutrals and Awoxing asshats, there was a lot of mining done mainly on a second screen as I did something else. His latest creations are 5 Caracal's and 5 Osprey's, 100k worth of various small ammo's and a few modules (more utilities like t1 salvagers and tractors). I have yet to make a trip to hi-sec to pickup some blueprint copies and leave off some items for sale. I think I'll be continuing the carebear in nullsec style until I can finish with training and then take a lot more risks in a clean clone with a lot of ships I've been creating.

I have to say a big thank you to a person I meet when I first started playing, you know who you are. Although we have not been in the same corp in a long time this person and I have kept in contact. Without this person's help in hauling / selling and buying stuff for me I'd have had to make another alt. The game is an mmo after all and it's all about the interaction and what that brings.

I joined in on some mission running with another friend that degraded my Amarr standings on my second main. I'm a carebear and I like my standings. He seems to relish my dismay as he accepts every mission that is against an empire faction.

I took up the remaining co-op anti Amarr missions on my Minmatar alt in the new improved fit Loki, maybe new and improved is too much, tweaked Loki fit may be better.

Despite my Minmatar alt's inability to tank some level 4's in a battleship, the tank on the Loki was able to take all the punishment from the extravaganza level 4. Nice and impressive. Drone and gun damage was "ok" but T2 guns are a few days away and I'm sure they will make a big difference.

With a lot of mining in Eve I got to play a lot of BF 4. My game time here saw a few improvements. My support class now has a better AWS with good attachments that I'll be keeping as the main weapon.
I've done the unthinkable, played my recon as a Sniper! Yes I liked it. The first match I played I got 16 kills to 5 death's, that sealed the deal. For whatever reason I just went ahead and did it and it worked out. It all clicked in my head. Two main reasons helped with getting into this class as opposed to the previous incarnations. First was the bullet drop, actually seeing this happen and prejudging it. Second was the high ground factor. The penny dropped.
I've stuck with the first sniper rifle, the CS-LR4 as it seems the best with the attachments I have. Of the sniper weapons I have yet to unlock I think the M40 will be my prefered choice. It lacks in punch for longer ranges but I want to try it out.

In some ways the sniper vs sniper battles in BF4 are a lot more begrudging as it takes a lot more time to really "get one over" on the same sniping player. Sometimes you are outclassed. Other times its a more even "tit for tat".
This reddit thread is a great one for sniper rifle info.

I've enjoyed the progression of BF4 and it's unlock's per class, each has it's own play style within my playstyle and also depends on the map and type of combat.  Still more to do. Still more to enjoy.

On another BF4 front there are some great screenshots from this reddit poster worth looking at.

Wow saw no real activity, in fact I did most of my wow'age via the android app playing the auction house. I logged in once to do a round of character maintenance (farm /mail/professions). The only big thing I did was to make a Sky Golem to put up fro auction. I saw two other Golems on the AH with a starting bid of 15000 with an 18000 buyout, so I listed my Golem as a start and buyout of 17999 gold. It sold later that day. My main character with his new stash is now 20 gold shy of 40000. That's a lot for me and so minor for lots of other people who seem to make that amount in a week. I'll be sending on 5k to the missus for her alchemy assistance.
The Grumpy elf has some interesting comments about the wow Beta http://thegrumpyelf.blogspot.ie/2014/08/monday-random-beta-thoughts.html

I didn't play Star Citizen at all over the weekend, but I did update the software. There are some nice new and updated things in the next major release. I look forward to the private matches between myself and a friend.

I had to laugh at the luxury version of the constellation..... ho-le-cow.

And I loved the new trailer for the exploration model.

This is an interesting youtube channel for info on the game and tactics, as is this one and last but not least this one is probably the best ...

About a year away from a formal release and this game has so much potential it's unreal.

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