Tuesday 5 August 2014

Star Citizen.... bought the pledge.

I've always been a wing commander fan. Playing the WC III, IV, Priateer 2, then getting The Kilrathi Saga to recap as well as Prophecy. They've been the best space space sims besides Freespace and Freespace 2. I've not been an x-wing/tie fighter fan shocking I know.

A good while ago I came across Star Citizen from the same man that brought WC, read about it both online and in magazines (PC Gamer UK) but I never really dug deeper into it. It all seemed very new and the kick-starter had only just got going.
I passed on the news and info I had gotten to a friend who is into his flight sim games and who is also a total freelancer/starlancer junkie.
However it's only in the last month I reminded him of the game with a link to some info that seems to have really hit the new game home for him. So much so that in the last two weeks he has built a new PC gaming rig. Purchased a "proper" flight stick and throttle. Updated to a 64 Bit Windows 7. And purchased a special offer pledge package for the game. With this transformation and the epic promise of a game that should make him cry like a pack of teenage concert going girls, I've heard nothing but hype, news, reviews and planning for the game from him.
My friend has been talking so much about the game that I started to do more and more research into it myself. So much has been said in the last week alone that over the weekend I decided to purchase a pledge.
A €35 pledge for an Aurora LN, this gives me the military version of the Aurora ship, Beta access (access now to the game and its future beta releases), the standard starter hanger, 1000 credits, the game download, the squadron 42 single player download ( not out yet ) and the game manual (not out yet).
I also added in a €4 access pass to be able to get into the dog fighting module Alpha (free roam or npc enemies).
So in all that was €40 that I've given to a game that has the potential to blast Eve out of the water. Especially in regards to the "I was there" feeling.
The potential of this game is staggeringly huge. The next year should see this game explode over the gaming scene.

The main pledge I bought reminded me of Eve Incarna, you can walk about a room, look at ships you have and that's about it. The extra €4 opens up the space flight world, and is well worth it. You'd be disappointed if you didn't get it as well. 

I got to try out the game under my friends login, he's purchased a lot and is a subscriber now. For all that his hanger would put the deathstar to shame, it's all gold and burgundy, very plush, his ships looking so well in it. His hanger's huge! He bought the "buggy" to get around it faster. Part of the hanger is a set of obstacles and jumps for the buggy, and it handles very well!
This youtube vid will give you an idea.

My hanger as I said is the "starter" hanger, but I still like it's industrial looks.

This rotating dude may be a future feature that allows for showing off or modifying gear.


The fish tank, I read it was buggy but I did view that "addon" fish you can buy.

The Arena Commander / Flight test Aurora

My Military Aurora LN

An in hanger gun test range with static and moving targets

Aurora top view

My aurora LN top view

My Aurora LN's cockpit

Sleeping quarters "hatch"

I can see a lot of game concepts being used and reused form other games. It seems the community wants the best parts of other games and are paying for Star Citizen to have them in a usable polished form. It's great to see the way this game is forming up. I'm glad I have my €40 investment, I can't wait to see what comes from the next year as each new bit gets bolted on.

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