Monday 11 August 2014

Weekend of gaming....

My weekend of gaming revolved around a lot of mining in Eve online with a bit of BF4 combat mixed with a dash of Wow farming.

Wow was very much a case of log in - update farms - help the missus for 2 seconds and log off.
I really wasn't in the humour for wow, I think I need to ignore the game altogether for a few weeks to be able to play it again properly. The only thing keeping me going back right now is that I am 4 days away from making a sky golem to place on the auction house. This will be the second that I'll sell. The first sold for 15k gold. I was expecting 20k but the AH was full of them and I wanted to sell it rather than wait. Some gold went to my other half to help with an alts flying skills. The AH cut of my 15k was 750 gold.... very ouch. With luck I'll get the next one sold next weekend for a lot more.

BF4 has seen me mess about with a good few weapons but I've swung back to using a silenced AWS in the support class while doing team deathmatch games. When it works it really works. The best I did with it was 8 kills in a row all within a few seconds of each other, nice and random, like they were falling in front of my sights. Second best was along a choke point corridor that had my team mates pinned and dieing, I opened up with 200 rounds of goodness and silenced the incoming fire and wiped out the opposing team, so all in all pretty sweet. I've not used the Ballistic shield... I don't think I will unless I am boxed into a spawn point.

Eve saw me again updating skills, maintaining P.I. and mainly logged in on my Null character, mining.

I mined, I refined and used the ore to make ships, ammo and a few modules. I whittled down the colossal amount of bpc's from the 250 I thought would be a good idea to have in null to 50. I parked the 200 left over back in the system 1 jump from hi-sec ready to be "benched" and safe from null.
This is a strange move as this character has everything he owns in null.
He has no hi-sec assets. I've never thought of having assets in hi-sec for him. Everything he gets is always to be moved to null. He was a null alt after all, everything revolves around null. I should have slapped myself in teh face and stopped there.
I've always tried to keep his assets clear of anything I wasn't using so as to have a little efficiency going, less clutter is good right.......

In doing the mining and production I've amassed a large amount of ships 90% of which I wouldn't use myself on this character. I put them up as orders on the local market. Surprisingly a good few have sold already despite me not doing any market research.
The other bpc's I kept I intend(ed) to use, I even made out some lists of the ore's needed and the amounts I'd have to mine and refine.

The weekend saw a constant increase in the number of reds and neuts roaming, so much so that they seemed to be bumping into each other and fighting as the local system residents all docked up and watched the proceedings.

The weekend also saw me moving ships and gear around null as a limitation on risk.
This clearout mind set exploded last night and I moved everything (bar a belt ratting drake and a PI hauling Epital) to the jump off station to hi-sec.

PI is not disrupted by others unless they take the system (not likely) and belt ratting can be done as a very ad-hoc on the fly way so isn't as disrupted as running a site would be. BC's align a lot faster than a BS so it makes sense to keep the Drake in place.

The production of the mined ore gave stuff that I didn't really need. I could sell the ore for more than the sale of the products. Doing the recent blitz on mining and production was a good way to see the new changes but it was at best a short term distraction and at worst an isk sink. Besides the recent mining I've not really used the ships I've had for it. Best to move the entire Mining ships and gear out.
Likewise I've only used the Raven once to do a site.
Did I really need 250 mill worth of ships sitting idle in a warzone.....

With two or three neutral or red scouts in each system, just cloaked up, it's a frustrating balance of nerve, risk and reward when doing anything in those systems.

The combination of enemy activity, news of potential wars made me further reevaluate the assets in null.

His assets are small enough and mobile enough to get everything out in 5 or 6 trips. That could be tricky but doable, especially if a defencive fleet is up.
I stopped myself from moving things further and into hi-sec. Gathering these assets has taken a while and has meant a lot.

Lots of reasons floated in my head on why it would be a good idea to get my gear out of null. But the removing these from null would defeat the purpose of this alt.

Noting like a brain to over-complicate things in my own head.

I still have questions about weather to clearout or stay 100%.

The constant disruption to ratting and mining by reds was my main cause for folding up everything bar the basics. Almost like a mini rage in reaction to not being able to do what I want.

I'll leave things where they are for now, better to have them in one place ready to evacuate than to have to bring them back in.

Time to wait and see if things settle down....

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