Tuesday 5 August 2014

Long weekend..... update.

With last weekend including a bank holiday I did get a lot of gaming in, Eve, wow, BF4. It was all enjoyable.
Time did pass waaaaaaaaaay too quickly.

Guadians of the galaxy is a great, enjoyable and funny film, at least for me and I have to say that everyone that went to see it with me thought the same. Seeing it in 3D was a great experience and well worth it.

Wow mainly consisted of updating my farms, AH'ing and helping my other half to level another character. I did bail on that as I still can't stand questing and dungeon pugs are grinding my gears with their naf attitudes.
I also decided to get my main to do the Lorewalkers rep grind to get the Red Flying Disc, very easy to do and a different kind of rep grind. A good lil mount to boot.  If only there were more reg grinds like that one.
I also started using the auction house feature on my android tablet and made a lot of gold, more than I would have doing in game normal AH'ing. This was also handy to do while playing other games. I'll definitely be using this in the future.

BF4 Saw me complete a few weapon upgrades to the way I wanted them, unlock one or two more (Bulldog and ballistic shield).
I've been upgrading the AWS LMG as well but I've reverted back to my old faithful QBB.
I was impressed with the MG4 in passing so I may take a closer look at hit and got some upgrades for it.
In general a good few games were had with medium to good results depending on how distracted I was while also mining in Eve nullsec.

Eve Online saw me add a plex to train my main alt. So no PVP for him.
That now means I have 5 characters currently training skills. 2 mains & 3 alts on Three accounts.
Both mains are on very long skill queue plans and are subscribed.
My main alt is on a plex for 30 days but with a skill plan of 90 days. I'm not sure if that will continue or be "pruned" to be more sensible.
My Minmatar alt is on a skill plan of 30 days with 28 days of a plex remaining. I got to train the last of the Loki skills and actually sit in the ship, setup the fit and tweak it to my liking. It should do very well. Just the T2 weapons to finish up with and this should be 100% good to go. I am tempted to test it out in a level 4 but I'll have to ask a friend to be a primary wingman and see how things go before getting too cocky running things solo.
My null alt is subscribed for another 2 month's with 5 month's of skill training in a plan. I think I'll be extending the subscription for 3 month's to cover this and then I'll finally get to transfer this character to my main account. I thought that I would have transferred that alt before the last 3 month's but am determined to do it after the next 3 month's are done.

The more I want to better the alts the more it costs, time, money but with eve it's usually both, with luck I'll get to consolidate this alt and close off that account, fingers crossed sooner rather than later.

Overall skills queue's and PI interaction were the same as ever. My main activity with eve has revolved around my null alt doing mining and industry with some minor ratting.
Null has been fairly active with roaming and camping reds that really stopped me from ratting seriously. Industry has been going really well and the new changes are good. I've encountered no glitches. The amount of ore I can refine and use seems to have made making T1 ships a lot easier... or at least it seems to be.
I've been using up the bpc's this alt has been holding since forever, maybe I'll see a bit of profit or use the hulls for pvp down the line.

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