Tuesday 9 June 2015

Eve update....

Eve's last update was fairly uneventful for me. The biggest change I encountered was the symbols. They are a lot better than expected but will take a while longer to get used to them all. I've found myself on quick glances confusing most smaller ships as being wrecks on the overview, the old and new symbols just look similar. Brain rewiring in progress.
Some people have complained the new symbols don't scale down well with higher resolutions but I've no need to mess with the ui on that score but I can see where they are coming from.

It will be interesting to see how the new sov changes will turn out in the next release.

The Jackdaw T3 Destroyer prices are about three times what the other two are being sold at so I've not bought one yet. They should drop to a more reasonable price soon enough. I'll check it out then.
Evehermit has a good post on his fit  and flight tests.

Again I've had no opportunity to check out the new drone changes either. Doing that will probably be on the longer finger of things to do, if at all.

My hi-sec main's and alts have been doing PI/trading. My main alt and Amarrian alt have been grinding rep so that the alt can get level 4 R&D datacores.
Most of my time has been on my null alt doing a lot of mining. He has just about settled into his alliances new null holdings. His PI chains back up and running in one system like before so am pretty happy.
I've found myself nagged by an idea to get a belt ratting Caracal fit up and running as a low cost ship/fit that I don't mind loosing if I should get ganked. Lots of research and testing to be done.  

I was glad to see a new Scope video. More interesting info in it.... more questions, always more questions....

CCP has also "deployed" a new bunch of Flight Academy video's. Always good to get some reminders like these. I look forward to seeing the more in depth ones that are sure to come.
Even when you are experienced it's the likes of little video's like these that can remind you of little lost factoids.

Crossing Zebras had an interesting article on Trust and Friendship in New Eden that makes me think I'm way too much of a risk averse carebear. It's one reason I have alt's, I may just need to use them and be more social on them.
There may be some opportunities with the info in this reddit post.... PVP/NPSI roams, as suggested here. In saying that I can already hear the risk averse voice in my head saying I don't know who I'll be shooting or where. So if they do a roam in Provi space I'll end up being marked as a red and won't have a chance to just go to Provi etc.... choices.

The new skins for summer are interesting and the future skins look really good but I've absolutely no intention of doing anything that will make me buy Aurum to spend on more skins. I don't see any more free Aurum being introduced and I won't be buying any... A nice monthly cap on some sort of pve aurum would be nice... even if that is a pipe dream. Heaven forbid Eve introducing a set of "dailies" for skill points/Aurum/Isk.

The eve collectors edition included a mystery code that would gift it's holders free "stuffs", these free items when they do come (very, very sparse) can be good to some.
This is useful to those that own a Rorqual, this is good for people that like to have their character "look" good. And for some like me it's all about getting any kind of collectibles.
Not to mention that the markets get seeded with these "special" gifts anyway.
So despite all players getting more free general gifts in the game there looks to be hope on the horizon for those that splurged on the box set and it's code.

The image below is an extract of this weeks "This week in Eve" news/happenings post.

This new information doesn't go into any detail about anything other than the fact that the stuff to come will be "good quality". Good quality in who's eye's I dont' know. They will never make all of the people happy all of the time. Will it be one item or will there be many. If you expected more Dust 514 items I think you'll be sorely disappointed. If it turns out to be Eve Valkyrie stuff I will be sore about it (I don't have a dev kit and until I see info/buy a virtual headset I doubt I'll be getting one any time soon). So roll on the free gift(s?) I might get in the future sometime soontm that may or may not be of any use to me (but will be stuck in a can in the back of my hanger). If only there were things they gave away on a schedule.

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