Friday 9 October 2015

A few Eve bits worth a look....

Eve News 24's article about the fall of faction and T2 frigs in favour of the more powerful, if not so bigger T3 Destroyers. Maybe that gap will only increase with the upcoming new T3 Destroyers....

Another well made video was released on the Flight Academy. This time about the session change timers.

Sugar Kyles latest post is a follow on from her her taboo post.
I hope that a pinch of salt is taken on account of the large amount of bluster given with feedback is given from the people who wish all space was null.
Eve Hermit had a good response to her original post.
I think the post from the Greedy Goblin is a bit harsh.
Unfortunately I think CCP's headstrong road map makes all fuzzy hi-sec carebears burn.
One big reason that I don't have much of an answer to the problem is that no matter what people say, CCP has already said they don't have the resources to make the big changes that would resolve the hi-sec "matter".
One big step I see would be for Concord to be pro-active rather than being a passive reactionary force. I mean a -10 sec status player in hi-sec, you should get blapped by the police.
As I said before, other MMO's have successfully copied elements between each other. Eve is a beast all of it's own even if there are other space mmo's it could learn from. I've also said previously that the solo PVE player is a market, if they (CCP) would do something (meaningfull) to get that market they would see numbers swell, but that's not CCP.
I really have to faith in CCP making changes that will matter to me in regard to Hi-sec. Me leaving the game is more likely.

Time will tell....

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