Wednesday 14 October 2015

Eve the rollercoaster....

There is an Eve trailer "I was there". Despite what some people in the Eve community think of it. I do like that trailer. I consider it to be a forerunner of the "This is Eve" trailer. They are both about the emotions the player feels. Eve has generated a lot of emotions for me.
Eve has a fairly small community for an MMO that's been ongoing for 10+ years. That says something.
Many people get a lot from many angles of Eve online. It's not all about the gameplay. It's the total experience. The journey.
This is brought home for me when my heart starts pounding and my hands end up shaking after I've been target locked and being attacked when I least expect it. These day's I'm a lot more stable then that happens but early in my Eve "career" it was a shock. It is the most common emotion/reaction to happened to a higher percentage of the gamers in Eve. Many people never experience it again. Some loved it right off the bat. Some others never experienced it at all.

This article caught my eye and is an interesting insight on an Eve players experience Why the Story Matters.
Around that time I was interested in seeing what all the fuss was about when the Drifters started attacking Amarr but all I got was this blog entry. It's all about perspective.

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