Monday 5 October 2015

Eve, Eve and more Eve.... The good.

Sometimes with Eve's online presence I'm annoyed that there is so little information about an update, change or feature and other times when there is so much information changing day to day, week to week and that's before anything is implemented in the game. It can be frustrating. CCP is a strange creature.

The news of late has been mainly neutral to me. Nothing has really changed the way I play or the activities I do. Any changes that have come have been improvements to my game times quality of life.

News of the new burner missions made me recheck info on the frigate burner missions. Despite the amount of fitted ships, gear and mission "hubs" I have dotted around I don't think I could become the nomadic frig burner mission specialist. Moving several ships and fits between agents is way over planned and too much of a time sink for my gameplay. Still the ship fits listed here are interesting and the amount of information gathered is staggering considering it's community based. However there is an older blog post that uses one fit to rule them all - burner-teams-guide-using-single-fit-worm. That really sparked my interest. Not is if that is a worthy fit and works with them all, great! Add in higher versions and I'll accept all the burner missions that pop up. Do I see myself doing them ... no... My gameplay style is all about the buildup of overwhelming force before engagement in an activity; But it's all worth keeping an eye on and maybe doing sometime in the future.

Speaking of fits, I also found myself looking up T2 hauler fits. Mainly for my Minmatar Alt who recently got to fly a Prowler and a Mastodon. This link on Thera or Bust has some good information on fits for the deep space transport.

The upcoming change to new players in Eve has them starting off with more sill points. That does make me a little bit of a sad panda. Over all I think it was said that the new skills on starting a new character is about 7 days. There is a lot to consider and as a player with older characters I feel a bit slighted at the change. What harm if CCP also granted some free sp to whose who started with the lower sp. Anyway it's not like a weeks worth is going to really close the gap between a new player and a veteran. In a way I'm glad I started my characters in the "old" way, like I earned my start. Besides I think the old tutorials were better than the new opportunities system, but that is a whole other subject. Rather than me rattle on about the details of the change there are better bloggers who have already made good points on the subject.

I think both those articles lead on nicely to these two.

The latest news report continues the ebb and flow of the universe.

I've only noticed recently the specialist packs. I have noticed the avatar clothing that these packs include is plentiful and cheap on the Eve market so I think I just answered my own question on where they come from. A lot of people must use these new packs to upgrade trials.... alts maybe? These packs seem an awful lot like the Dust 514 combat packs.....

The minutes for day four of the CSM summit were released. Again they are interesting but nothing really relevant stood out to me. Eve Hermit had a good blog about his take on the minutes that I agree with. What happens in a CSM summit usually get modified and changed especially now that CCP seem to want a lot of player feedback to do a lot of their work for them. Giving the customer what they want of course.
It just depends on who they consider their customer to be... pvp null sec.... heaven forbid they consider a hi-sec carebear angle.

The roadmap for Eve was released and lists a lot of incoming for Eve online. Each month seems to have something with an increase each month to the end of the year.
Many of my characters are Caldari and as such favour missiles as a primary weapons system. The changes incoming for Missile Disruptors and Tweaks to Missile Guidance Mods will be on my watch list.
The "community driven ship updates" is ok for the likes of adding frills or a new paint job but I'd say there is more likely to be stat changes and if a large bloc of "players" say from an alliance decide that a ship needs a nerf then that is trouble... I hope CCP can keep the lid on that can of worms.
The new T2 Expidition Frigate for Ice mining is of interest as well. I do like the idea of frigate sized activities. Worth keeping an eye on as well.
On a side note after reading the comments about the new frig I wonder what the 'fun' v 'isk per hour' ratio is like for Eve online players, nah, too many variables to figure that out....

The new T2 Destroyers look to be a move to change fleet mechanics and should prove to be an interesting change, more for the null powers than anything else.
There is also the new explosions update coming.... who doesn't like to see updates explosions.... I just dont' want to be that explosion.

New drifter space is interesting but sounds specialised and I'm not likely to have anything to do with it.

Falloff for Neuts and Remote Assistance Modules is all pvp and again mainly a null/low sec thing. I wonder if there will be details of what this means (if anything) for the Logi world.

There looks to be a reworking of the E-War modules, very pvp and very not used a lot these days. Although I have noticed recently (last few month's) that my null alt's alliance has been using a lot of e-war of late.
I do really like the new propulsion visual:

And they say there are a lot more effects updated to come. In particular I really like the "Battle ravaged" hulls.
Again there are better bloggers than I that can more rationally go though the details and the best I have read are these two.

The Crimson Harvest listed is best described on another blog.
And as that blog suggests I think that each empire will be split form the others, each will have it's incursion race and all will be fighting in faction warfare. I do think that it is the start of the empire breakup. It is a long term thing and it will take a journey to get there.
Which leads me onto another entry by Sugar Kyle:
Asking about what can be done to improve PVE given CCP's restrictions on altering old code and allocating resources.
It's not an easy question but it really depends on CCP. Other MMO's have successfully copied elements beteen each other. Eve is a beast all of it's own even if there are other space mmo's it could learn from. I've said previously that the solo PVE player is a market, if they would do something to get that market they would see numbers rise well, but that's not CCP.

There was an interesting link in the release list about Eve and Crowd Science within Eve Online.
While the video about Eve online is long and a little tedious (imo), the second video from the main leader in her field Jane McGonigal and is a lot more interesting to view....

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