Friday 16 October 2015

Skills and ships, winter for Eve....

News of the character bazaar/skills revamp and the addition of the re-skill / skill injection for real money / isk is worrying. Eve News 24 says it all; I'm really not a fan of this if it goes through. Makes me wonder what the point of paying a subscription long term would be. CCP is playing a dangerous game in my view. They seem more interested in a quick buck income and are shitting all over the players who have payed month in and month out long term to do it. Really devaluing my loyalty CCP. This goes up there with the Mystery code in my view! That's my first snap reaction.

On a better note there are new ships and ship changes coming for winter.
This article spotted the ships on the test server but the full details were released today in this dev blog and video. I'm sure there will be more tweaking and balancing as things are changed and re-changed.

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