Wednesday 3 May 2017

Star Citizen, Domina, Waffle, GRW, more waffle, Earth 2.0, bad formatting, Sandbox's & Darkest Darkest Dungeon's....

Despite my inability to come up with a sensible or witty title for this post I've decided to drop everything I want to waffle on about in the title as well as the post, the flood gates are open....

I've found myself being a bit more random in some area's of gaming. No surprise given my mood/circumstances etc. etc. etc. Having more time to while away yet not wanting to be fully using a brain, with a mix of looking to be 100% distracted.

I noticed on Facebook (I forget the affiliate) a few day's ago that Saints Row 2 was free for a day on I did claim it. Will I ever play this game? Probably not. I got the third game from a friend and I played it for about 20 minutes on the PS3 two years or so ago....

A link worth a share and a mull over:
It has me thinking again about CCP's non confirmed FPS. What it has to compete against in the Free-to-Play market never mind the paid games (Overwatch). The more I think about Dust the more I think about the newer version they demoed, the more thankful I am they didn't go with an arena shooter. It makes me think about what they could be doing. If CCP hadn't been so taken aback at the reaction the community had over that fanfest we might actually have a game the community would actually warm to.

There are a lot of games I just can't keep up with, the sheer volume of changes, patch notes, tweaking and adjustments. Especially with the likes of Star Citizen, BoredGamer does a great job of whittling down the information (like this & this) to what you need to know. Even at that I can't get through all of his content. By the time I do it's been replaced by more video's.

GRW had another 6GB patch. It contains one of the best quality of life changes in Ghost Recon Wildlands, when you mouse over a campaign save it now changes to show the character it belongs to....

The mods scene has exploded since I last talked about it. The community does love the game.

I've been casting an eye on trying to complete my NG+/Stygian mode run. The final crop of top level characters do not seem capable of doing it so I've been levelling up a few more classes to try out in a final run.
With the release of the expansion in the next few month's I also want to try and do a quick run of the Radiant mode.... That might be a bridge too far.
It's been interesting to watch 
BaerTaffy He has been running a modded version of the game PBD, Pitch Black Dungeon and it has been kicking his ass. His return to the normal version in a stream has been a welcome return, but it seems that he is changing that to be a fresh Radiant mode run now as well. I'll be interested to see how he gets on in that run.

Cities skylines, a game I can tweak and make small changes without much thought. Set the time to 4 times speed and mentally disengage. Not much has happened here.

Star Trek online has had at least two updates in the last few weeks and since I don't have a proper internet connection I'm choosy about how I spend my data allowance. Like a child in a tuck shop trying to squeeze the maximum value out of that pocket money.

1.2 GB patch and then another for 800mb, STO has been less value per megabyte so it's lost out(patch the patch). With the new season out now may as well ignore the game for the next month as the patch for that will be another huge one.....

For anyone tempted by a sale on Zen you probably already new there was a sale on, I was in no way tempted.
I do seem to have a growing interest in my mind with regard to the summer event, and the ship it will have as it's main prize.

Star Trek Bridge crew is interesting but not a game for me. Max enjoyment means corralling as many friends as possible and I only know of one friend that has a VR headset. So if I bought one there would be two of us. This is not the game that "makes" me buy a headset.
YOGSCAST Hannah did two interesting vids in the game:

Rome Total War has had a brief look in. A save from an older Brutii campaign was left at a battle where one of my armies was being attacked by multiple armies from the Scipii. It's been interesting to see how the A.I. reacts to various tactics.

What has worked is to square up my legionnaires with missile support in the centre and brace the storm as a rock on the shore line. It's worked for the most part.

Many A True Nerd's recent playthrough has been entertaining. 

Rome: Total War - Grand Finale - All Roads Lead

Rome: Total War - Epilogue - All Good Things

Speaking of Rome I have played a few rounds of Domina, getting to know it's way's. Three full attempts and one where I lost the ability to complete the game due to very, very bad RNG. It's still fun and it looks like it will receive a lot of content tweaking.

Heroes of the storm 2.0 has given a lot of loot but I'm clueless with regard to changes, updates and whats makes 2.0 so special. Opening loot is nice tho.....

I did plan on more waffle going into my time with Eve Online but I think I'll do that as a separate post.... This one is long enough.

Two video's worth a share:
TheLazyPeon 'Ashes Of Creation: MMORPG Overview "Why I'm Excited"'

On a final note I'm liking the new version of Google earth, worth checking out.
You do need Google Chrome to use it. Pity but I'm sure that it'll be available for Firefox.... at some stage....

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