Tuesday 13 April 2021

Eve Online....

As always my draft folder has a massive amount of unfinished Eve Online posts. I keep putting off posts for one reason or another; Generally my Eve time is mundane same'ol same'ol content. Hard to jazz that up. Otherwise posts are me waffling on about CCP decisions and then I go all Mystery Code venom. Which in turn takes everything depressingly negative. CCP are if nothing else consistently inconsistent(the business decisions not the Devs/staff).

So in trying to keep things positive there's been enough in-game activities over the last two weeks that I can waffle on now in a semi-meaningful way.

Can ya tell I'm a bitter-vet tho.....

A real life friend I've mentioned before(most recently), currently living on the other side of this real world planet has rage-quit, again, due to excessive ship losses from ganking......Mainly ganking. That's on top of some excessive ship losses due to late night and recreational substance, sessions. I've no hassle with a real life friend who wants to have a bear, cigar(or other things) and play poker but to add in Eve Online on top and try to concentrate... Well it's all a bit too much... You should hear it on comms. I laugh at it all. Fun is fun but when I look at the corp losses it's all him.... Which is a long term corp tradition at this stage. I can't blame him. When he gets a family free night and wants to fill it with all good things.... Fair enough.


A PvE (as if I do anything else) based Alpha character(yep another one) I'd used to do low level Abyssal's had been ignored for a good few months(no not that one); Till last week when I got to see how the more recent(time is relative) changes have 'affected' him/the game in this activity. 

His once decently good solo Caracal proved woefully ineffective. From the first room I could see that both his DPS and survivability were weaker. His cap was drained faster and the incoming DPS was more than before(Before being a good 6 months). By room two the writing was on the wall. 

Getting into room 3, what else was there to do but to try. It was a count down to failure.

Not a massive loss. Usually I'd have had at the very least a bit of a higher heart rate. Not this time. It was all very 'meh'. I folded his operation and reallocated his remaining 'abyssal' running setup and logged off. No more of that activity on that character. On to the next.

My game-play has been really confirmed to me as 'doing more with less'. In an underdog kind of way. I'd rather fly a Praxis and mess about with missions than hop in a Tengu or better. I've noticed a lot more 'leetism' in the game community circles on what 'should' be used rather than what can be used, never mind any 'fun' factor for a players personal choices(all else being 'put down'). Then again maybe it's bleed-through form Echoes players.... Maybe?


With all the recent talk and speculation on industry and industry ships..... The Orca was one I took another look at. I've had two on my main for a long long time. Years. A good while ago I was with a group(with 2 mates is a group right!) and there was talk and planning on roaming in Orca's. I think it's a common enough idea(like delonewolf here). It's a great ship with a lot of versatility. A true platform to do a lot from. Massive hauler to setup a base of operations, then when done move on taking everything with you. The idea for us never took off though. As with a lot of things, at least for me(asset hoarder!) when plans fall through or just doesn't take off I'm left with a lot of items. So it's sat in my hanger for a long time. Usually in any activity I setup a characters 'base' to do it and then it stays. Taking a look at the Orca now is a blast from the past. As old as it's fit was I've enjoyed bringing it and it's 'roaming plan' inc ships/fits more up to date. I had all I needed to do that on my main.... While I'll not scrap or sell I said may as well update it if nothing else. Overall not much needed to be changed. Still could be better but then again what isn't. It's is what it is now. Which looks like this....

Orca and it's fit/hauled items(#LootPinata).

Those on board ships being:

Mining -

Frigs - 

T3 Destroyer -

T3 Cruiser -

Ships, fits and gear to mix and match, it all covers a lot of potential activities(all PvE, all industry, all the time).... . An interesting ready to go 'roaming' setup. I doubt I'll use it but the re-work of the gear/fits was fun for me. My main is currently using 500 plex for a months game-time.... No point in doing anything long-term.... Maybe in the future (like so much else!).

There's also been talk of in game landmarks getting real in game locations and visible elements to go and see.

Of all the places and 'things' to see, for me two were on top of the list. Visit the monolith in space and visit the New Eden system. Due to those two 'goals'(?) being thought of early on in my Eve life(yea well over a decade) they always seemed linked with being far away, too far away. I'd never really looked them up to see what was needed or where they were relative to 'modern' Eve me; Till this week. The talk of new in space sightseeing has 'forced my hand'. Turns out they were not so far away and not so unobtainable. Both are in the same section of space. The Monoloth in the Dead End system and a few jumps away the New Eden System.

With my main training I decided to take my 'main alt' for the spin. Clone jumped to a clean clone and got a Buzzard setup for speed(alignment). Going from Caldari Space I took him and parked in a station in Imya(last hi-sec system). Seeing only 3 other players in system and all of them in the same station as me, I undocked and jumped to Antem. I don't frequent low sec at all. I tend to err on the side of caution; But I was here for a reason and no better time than the present so onward I went. Maybe it was the timing a few hours after downtime but I was surprised there was no gate camp and only a handful of players in system. 

Antem to Djimame was clear, Djimame had no players. It did have an interesting rock formation.

Moving on to the next system, Angus, I jumped through and was 14 km away from a Tengu on the gate. That gave me pause.

Not that there was anything I could really do but I did wait till the gate cloak timer had about 10 seconds to go. Then clicked jump for the next gate and activated my own cloaking device. With 3 more players in local there was no way to really know in time what I 'might' be jumping towards. I'm no Dscan genius and I didn't want to mess about in the situation. I just jumped.
Not even an attempted target lock as I warped away.... AFK?!?.......Maybe...  Maybe I just wasn't worth it..... Just another daytripper in a Cov-Ops eh.

Angus to Access was clear and I jumped through.

Access had no players in system so I jumped to Exit which also had no players.

Onward form Exit to Gateway and again no players in system.

Gateway to Central Point brought me to a system which was indeed populated. 10 other players plus me. But nothing/no one on the gate or close on Dscan. I did think about bouncing via celestial but with not much else in system my mood was both Fk'it ballsy and lazy. Jump to gate. 

Nothing on gate so into Dead End which had zero other players.

The Black Monolith was indeed on it's own beacon marker and I warped to within 20 km. I knew there would be NPC's by it and there were. They were sitting on the beacon and the Monolith was 20km away from it. I would have thought the reverse would have been the case but either way I was glad I warped at distance.

Pause cloaked for sightseeing photo's etc....


What I didn't expect was how fast it moved about in space, not just an immobile brick. Spinning as it moved but also moving about in space by the beacon. Really surprised by that.

Screenshots done, time to move on. System was still clear so I jumped back to Central Point. Which had a reduced player count, just me and two others now. Maybe I should have been more paranoid. Regardless I jumped on to Promised Land. Which gave me an Edencom warning on the gate. They have no beef with me so I jumped.

Promised Land had no players even with 3 Athanors in system(not busy now). Onward to New Eden!

Entering the New Eden system there were no other players, but it was a sight to see in person.
I warped to New Eden(the planet) which was an unremarkable barren planet like all others in game.
But the phanomina of the 'wornhole'.... with it's shifting aura's. Cool to see for myself.

The beacon by it was interesting with an artificial(maybe?) generated wormhole... With Drifters. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of lore re that. I was tempted to try and jump in but I didn't tempt fate; I've been lucky up to this point.

Like Mount Everest the amount of day trippers leaving jettisoned can messages is a bit off-putting(junk in space..... X was here, Y was here); Not a good thing when your trying to stay cloaked. The nature of the well trodden path I suppose. As for just leaving junk about; Besides those players that were in systems I jumped through(and now you), no one else knew I was there; I'd always prefer it that way.

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