Thursday 19 November 2020

Eve Online....

I've mentioned an Eve Online friend before, he's also a true Eve bitter veteran; He's also back to the game, was back on his main for a week(or so) and now has paid for a month(or so)... His workaround for an old laptop(yea that guy) is to enable as much externally as he can; Gaming from a couch with a wireless keyboard and mouse on his 50"(or so) tv. Needs must I suppose. The downside is that he is in a good 10 hours of a time zone difference to me. I may have mentioned that as well at some stage. His early(early) morning is my late(late) night and vise versa. While we still talk/mail in game and out it's been really hard to get some time to game together. It's a pity. It happens.

We'll have to try for some crossover, just to say we did try. He could use a friend in game to help him at the mo. Not that he's inexperienced or anything like that but the wreckage of ships and gear he's lost through getting lag/disconnected... Well it's cluttering up my precious and previously clear(mostly) corp losses tab. At least as a 'friend' I could have kept up the dps aggro or saved his áss-ets. 

Time(and or luck) will tell if we can co-ordinate something.

On a side note he's the player, that really 'sold' Eve Online to me(whhaaaaaaaaaaay back when), made it a real thing to get into(rather than an abstract harsh space sim). Stories of null-sec, war, trials and tribulations were the foundation of what the game was and could be. Obviously back then he didn't sell it hard enough as another rl friend got me into the easier World of Warcraft....  That friend is trying to get me back into it for Shadowlands..... No thanks!

Still it's been good to do more faffing about in Eve. Asset management at it's best, like before, just more.

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