Wednesday 7 April 2021

Star Trek Online....

Since the last time I posted, over four weeks-ish, both a lot has and hasn't changed..... Even at that, last time I mainly waffled about the Xbox version. It was the end of Feb that I waffled about both iterations. So I'll waffle a bit again.....

I seem to have taken to being more thematic with my characters. More than previously. Both in looks/crew attire and ships. Regardless of 'best' ships and dps... Maybe this is me going deeper down the role playing path.... Despite all that I've been messing about with captains and crews, traits and specializations, training abilities and tweaking items, upgrades on gear and ships, boff's and doffs. Reputation mark grinding across all characters. Trying to squeeze all advantage from different setup's, situations and occasions. Doing events and rewards both with my wife and solo. Leveling and completing parts of the FDK recruit transponder. A lot has been happening and not a lot out of the ordinary. The more things change the more they stay the same, 'same'ol same'ol'. The game is enjoyable to play and be in.

The current First Contact Day event is one I like... Or have liked in the past and if I ignore the Seven of Nine(Puke-ard Picard version), I still like the event. For the rocket salvage and launch. 
Seven of nine, that version of her in this event/time-line I 'just' find 'irksome'. The Patrol is fine and the use of the movie voice clips is good. But Seven, that Seven is like a person trying to sidestep into an activity they weren't asked or invited to be part of. To have her face front and center on First Contact Day pushing Zefram Cochrane to the background.... 'Irksome'. At least the game for the most part does Star Trek better than the more 'recent' series. I'm sure more fans will be the reverse. I'm sure there are people out there looking forward to Season 4 of Discovery and Season 2 of Picard. 


While my main is a 'real' MMO mishmash of what I want and what is best 'for me'. Changes are ongoing.

My Temporal TOS Sci and Engineer characters with the Temporal ships may have been the real thematic 'role-play' start.

Even my Jem'Hadar with his racial ships are on the thematic 'roleplay' par.

So the last few weeks have seen the thematics changed on a lot more characters. It just happens. Maybe it'll all be reversed in a few weeks...

Fed/TOS movie-ish theme.

Romulan-ish theme.

My older Klingons are doing themes as well. Both are now in Klingon ships; Being all Klingoneey.

Again a lot is the same, yet a lot has been tweaked.

My Orion KDF recruit has 'retired' to a Dilithium farm with a Bird of Prey that suits her.

A good bit of my game time has been on my Gorn KDF Recruit, mainly doing his transponder/unlock rewards after leveling up. More work done on him than on my Orion so it made sense to focus on one over the other.

Going all in on the cloaking/attacks and melee ground attacks takes some getting used to but is working for me. So far so good. A lot more fun on a huge Gorn doing a melee attack, charging down a corridor like a freight train.

As for the others...

My Ferengi is 'still' a level 2; He may never be leveled but I like that he exists. He has a Ferengi Maurauder waiting for him if he ever does. 

My Fed liberated borg, a character that I created when I got the lifetime sub during a Delta recruit event(years ago) is the most in transition at the moment. I'm trying to get the most Borg looking ship going from all the non borg ships I have; So work is needed to get set/looks. I think there's a limit to the Borg Bridge officers otherwise I'd have all Borg bridge crew. So far she has a Borg, an android and a cyborg. I'm not sure if the Omega rep Borg Boff will count as a 'limited' Boff or be able to join the crew..... Still working on that rep with her so time will tell. Lots more 'work' needed.

My Discovery character is another Dil Farmer. For looks I've gone Kelvin formal uniform and for the crew I've gone for the Fed/KDF Alliance set. Really is a mish-mash but it works for me. Again more work needed. Not for any real purpose .... Just an aesthetics thing..... More than a subconscious distancing from his Discovery roots. Maybe.

Overall there's been an increase in the number of both tiny and large characters at the bank of late. Bobble-head characters and some interesting imports as well.

I don't know how some players can manage and consistently 'look after' 50+ characters. I'm overloaded with what I have on two platforms.

The return of an improved Delta recruit event is great to see. I'll finally have an opportunity to create a Romulan Delta recruit to get the remaining delta transponder rewards! As well as finish things off on my KDF Delta(Vengeance episode that was removed).

Back on the Xbox my main's ships got tweaked even further.... I've still been messing about with my Xbox main characters ships in an even more hodge bodge mess of a time. Resulting in two decent ships and the retirement of one of the best ships I had.... The biggest change is the dry-docking of the Bajoran Interceptor, replacing it with a 'free' Andorian Khyzon Escort and applied it with an experimental upgrade(which was also free). Overall for ships and fits and usage, they haven't changed that much at all. Nandi for Dabo, Risian Corvette as the main and best DPS ship with the Andorian for good dps joyrides. Both fun to fly and 'manage' in space. It's all about enjoyable gameplay after all.

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