Tuesday 27 July 2021

Mini Motorways....

A delicious enjoyable nightmare of micromanagement. In more ways than one Mini Motorways is Mini Metro on steroids. Both great games. It's a game type that your either into or not.

Mini Motorways like it's predecessor; It all starts off so innocently. 

Then a little more complex.

Then compounded decisions multiply into a nightmare; And you hang on for as long as you can. Making incremental changes out of desperation as the pressure mounts. The game audio cue's are so subtle but work so well.

Granted it's not all down to a players decisions. The game can be a dick. You can have a great setup and the next thing you know a red house is plonked in the middle of your blue estate. Or a single house is put across the entire map with the only destination it can go on the other side. That becomes worse when you have no motorways or have to cross multiple rivers to make it work only you have no bridges.... Choices, choices, choices. Important choices for the now or plan for the future...

The game can be awkward but has enough randomness to make it feel like you could have a better chance 'next time'. That's the nice take away.

The other way of putting it is that there's an insidiously delicious masochistic element to the game that's compelling. As the screen ever so slowly zooms out to increase the map area you know more pain is incoming; You want more. More to manage and more to cause you pain. The challenge of it. The 'I can do' and I can overcome and survive more thrown at me compulsion is strong. 

That's one of the great things about the game, it makes me want a 'next time'.

I mean look at this mess.... For this challenge they said free unlimited roundabouts.... Challenge accepted!

Problems ignored and mistakes made.... More please.

Here's my first run of the first city. Not bad for a first time.... Could have been worse.....

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