Tuesday 20 July 2021

VR waffle....


On a VR side note my 'elderly' mother(who insists she isn't but really is 'elderly'; But yet calls anyone in their 50's 'elderly'! Yes the comedic value is high. Anyway she got to stay over for a while last Christmas(support bubble!); And got to experience VR for the first time. 

Specifically the Oculus/Steam intro/interactive 'rooms'(easy intro), as well as some of the roller-coaster style ride type experiences. It was a liberating experience for her as she has limited mobility and her vision is likewise 'limited'(best described like trying to see through steamed/frosted glass). 

Yet to see and hear her reactions to VR was very emotive for me. She got to 'see' and feel something new; And experienced more in 10 minutes of VR than she had in real life years. Sad in ways but true. Old age and the human body can make the real world limiting in so many ways, in mind, body and perceptions of self.  
Looking back my mam has shared a lot of firsts and enjoyments with 'video' gaming through the years from Atari 2600(Jr) playing Grand Prix (still a piece of paper with my old console with times written on it!). To my first PC playing Quake; And now VR.....I'm glad to have been a part of a new first experience for her. She talked about 'seeing' things. I can't emphasis how that's such a big thing. 

Ultimately she's finicky with technology. Never really embracing it but not against it. Never a lover of mobile phones till it mattered to her and then she was a 'tech whiz' with one(feel raised physical buttons and audio feedback). 
I'd have jumped at getting an Oculus Go for her but her vision really is limited. She'd have trouble navigating menu's, 'seeing' what to do on her own.  Not insurmountable but a delicate subject barrier to entry. A short VR experience is different to living with it....It's 'complicated'. Not, not worth a try but she has to want it as well which is a no for now and probably a no long-term.....

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