Monday 12 July 2021

Star Trek Online....

During an episode of Deep Space Nine with the Dominion occupation of the station; Quark complained that the Jem'Hadar don't sleep or eat; That they just stand and stare at people.....

I now get what they were doing.....

I've been assisting my wife's new Jem'Hadar via semi AFK time; He's been standing at the bank, at the exchange, just standing and staring..... Trying to add to the 20 hour time gate to access already unlocked account reward items.

I've no problem with the level restriction but I've a beef with the time requirement; So yea, AFK alt tabbing. I help when she's not at her pc and keep him from going idle for to long. This post, it's not being done to prove a point or shout about a principle; It's just about player wanting access to the free stuff they've already earned. 

But what about 'just playing the game'... I can hear players say..... It's all personal perspective. There's not point in repeating content your going to be repeating anyway. Why add to that when your can have a few nice things account unlocked and claimed so the character is played with a better experience.

Yet you have to wait 20 hours and by that time the help the items would have been is more or less gone....

I'm complaining but not really; But kind of am. Event account unlocks are not time gated like that....

It is what it is. Better to afk it for now. Each to their own.

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