Monday 29 November 2021

The Godfather....

EA may not be the flavor of the month(Year? Decade?) but a search of games from 2006(for PC) lead me to a game I'd played; The Godfather. A thematic GTA-ish game that I played to bits back in the day. I'm no massive fan of the film but I do like it and the trilogy(not getting mired in the which is better lark). It's a decent to good game, even with nostalgia glasses on these days. 

My original disk installed on Windows 10 with no issues. The only problem was with playing the movie clips in game. There's a workaround where you need to rename the 'movies' folder within the install directory. A pity as progress in game is linked to the overall story of the first movie and plays those clips to link the game to the movie. 

It's not all bad as the in game scenes still work perfectly fine so is very playable and still follow the story. Looking at the game graphics with a modern eye is 50/50, some things are passable and others are aged. Even for it's day it wasn't bleeding edge. 

There's give and take and even with no nostalgia and a bit of forgiveness for a 15 year old game it still has playability.

The body shot aiming works even if the lock on system is a bit aggressive.

The cover system works. No complaints there.

The GTA-esque in game systems also work. Save points, skill levels, progression ranks. They work.

Unlocking all the execution styles was interesting and a bit of a motivation as I recall.

Character customization is good given the limitations of the day. Still, getting a 'proper' hat was a big thing.

Making it to Underboss is the 'end game' and there are no more main quests. Still there's plenty to do. Assassinations, extort every business, take over all the rockets, exterminate all the other families.

Also, buy all safe-houses for 100% completion of all content. Then you become Don. I liked the game but I was not into the end game grind for the sake of it. Some things never change for me. I ended the gameplay and moved on to other games having enjoyed my stay.

With this recent reinstall I spent about an hour in game from scratch to readjust and play the game. It was still fun. It's aged but the gameplay is still there.

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