Monday 22 November 2021

Star Trek Online....

Across both PC and Xbox I'm still playing more PC, no real surprise. 

On Xbox my character interactions are a distilled version of what I do on PC. A form of character maintenance mode. Log in, collect/setup R&D, Doff assignments, Admiralty/Reputations, refine dil and complete the daily of the day/week/month with a character. Not a lot of work on 3 characters but it adds up over time, time wise. I miss less gameplay as the increase in daily events has increased. The three characters there are a temporal tactical 'main'(She's really an Engineer but everything is played as Tactical)! A Jem'Hadar Fed aligned tactical. The third is the first of my 3 Delta recruits, a level 47 Federation, you guessed it, tactical character. While I'm happy to potter away with them, casual as can be I'm not pushed about their advancement and completion. If that level 47 reaches 65 then I'll move onto one of the the other two Delta recruits(3 needed to gain all Delta rewards). The other two, KDF and Romulan(FED) are in statis.... As is a level 7 Romulan that became obsolete when the Delta recruits came back. Still an option for deletion. Then again I rarely do that unless space is an issue. 
Where's the fun....? In the doing for the most part. The novelty has worn off slightly but it's still a different enough version of the game to be 'interesting'. The more I get into really doing things on any of those characters I'm nagged by my brain that I need stick with PC characters instead. I used to use the Xbox version as a simplified break from PC but as the game has pushed for more daily events one after another it's now a case of needing to not play both to take that break.

On PC like on Xbox the daily logins continue. Which are more intricate and detailed as I do login and 'do' all the same things that are relevant on all my characters(rep etc is only really done on the lowest 'newer' characters etc). 

My main KDF recruit is only a handful of TFO's away from completing all his transponder items. Which crept up faster than I thought it would. With his done all recruit types will be complete and all account rewards unlocked.

Given how much of the newer content is Discovery based I'm still surprised that the Discovery class of recruit character doesn't have a transponder for doing such Discovery content.... Maybe in the future? Not something I'm really looking for, but now that I've done with all else..... I'm willing to consider alternatives....

The two characters I've been 'messing' about with the most have been my second Jem'Hadar and my Ferengi characters. Both Federation aligned and both with ships themed on their species. While the Ferengi worked out well, the Jem'Hadar has fared less so. I've just not had the time to really 'do what it takes' to get him in his ship up to speed.... I'm still hoping I can learn(still so many video's to watch!)

He's behind me ... isn't he...... !!!!

I've had another hankering for a themed character. A good while ago (years?) I got to claim the Caitian Atrox Carrier. I don't remember how I got to claim it or why, I'm 80% thinking it was free for some reason..... 

But it and a Caitian character have been on my mind. Again I had thought the Caitian race were unlocked for me but it's only the KDF version the Ferasan. Which again I think was free, from an STO anniversary. So 2+2 = Farasan in a Caitian Atrox Carrier. For no other reason than the faintest hint of being thematic. Plus it'll push me to 'know more' about these larger ships and fitting them out.
That said I found it funny that the Fleet version of the Atrox Carrier was listed as CounterYolo Gaming's, fourth worst science vessel in the game. If that's the fleet version then the 'normal' iteration is 'bad'. As well as all that I wanted to level the character without any account unlock items and only use the carrier when he reached level 65.... All that in consideration I'm still going to 'do it' just for funnsies and 'interest'. What could go wrong!

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