Friday 12 November 2021

Star Trek Online....

Again I've been both dedicated and lax with my daily login of STO.... Sometimes I'm thorough and sometimes not so much. I guess that means I really am casual. STO gaming again hampered with timings. Real life is real life. The usual daily cool-down(of 20 hours) means a late login one day followed by an early login the next can lead to skipping a lot till a further day goes past when things have been reset way in advance due to that 'disregard'. Not that I'd be an up to the second min/maxing player but there's still an 'old skool' gamer urge to not waste a second(old habits die hard); Which I think comes more from my original Eve Online days, when a skill queue was fixed/limited at 24 hours(adding long skill times for overflow to the end few minutes to stretch things out)....

So whats been happening with me in STO this last while..... Same'ol, same'ol, that's a good thing. Fun still had.

The Halloween event was fun overall, a change form other years for sure and one that I appreciated. A new ground TFO with a theme and mechanics that made it interesting.

Those TFO mechanics, a lot like escape rooms were enjoyable, ranging from having to read(and many team mates didn't), to following instructions(and many team mates didn't), to plain all out DPS keeping mobs in certain area's(and many team mates didn't). As with most Dungeons in most games you get good groups and you get not so good groups. I got to run a good few of my lower end characters through it to do the daily and gain them some XP(points not leveling) and rep marks.

Speaking of which, unimpressed JemHadar is still unimpressed. My second(pun?) Jem'Hadar is now at a stage where I'm semi happy with him in the ship. It's got DPS output but not a great amount. I can join TFO's and 'help' but it's very mediocre. Buffs, pets and pray. Meh....... Moving on to another character.... Too much time and effort needed to do anything serious with the character. Dil farming retirement for him.

The event mirror warship reward is a ship I've used on characters to gain a trait for the sake of it as I grind out rep marks..... The other T6 promotional Temporal ship was used in the same way. Interesting ships for a week but not ships to use as any mainstay on any character... My account has so many options built up it's kind of ridiculous. So much can build up over time.

The latest patch with it's updates has been a really good one to see in game. Adding in the specific EVA suit slot has been great. I admit to some nostalgia loss as I removed rebreathers on some characters! They are still useful but as your character will switch automatically to an EVA suit in toxic zones your better to have a suit you want rather than a forced basic suit. Which also opens up a device slot on a character to add another 'utility' item. 
The EVA suit change made for a lot of upkeep admin per character and for each their bridge crew setup as well. Looking at some of the setup's I had they indeed needed the TLC time, updating armour/shield/weapon and new eva suit.

The latest Red Alert event while being a daily has felt less so given the last few months of ongoing events. I say that a lot about a lot of the repeatable content... Maybe I'm overly familiar with some content. Each to their own. I'm kind of looking forward to the winter event.

The latest updates to graphics, explosions and damage to ships has been good to see as well.

Maybe it's just me but graphics for STO on Xbox (like a lot of other games I can PC on XBOX compare) appear to be softer. This makes the explotion update on Xbox look even better(imho).

Seeing the latest updates to even the splash screens on STO Xbox looks 'better'. Again that could just be me and the longer things don't change the more outdated things seem/look. The newer splash screens make all the difference to me. Little differences.

I've been trying to help with some of my wife's alts and I have. Even if we both benefit co-op character wise; I'm still finding more of her game-time is started by doing things with my characters than vice-versa. Husband C+ must try harder... 

The more I try to learn about STO the more I run into leetism. Trying to find info on STO it seem's that it's either teaching or preaching and nothing in between. So leetism is still a growing concern. The last week has let me see players with capability bemoan players who question their high DPS. If I come across a high DPS player in a TFO I'm happy n couldn't give a toss. It gets me out of the TFO quicker and on to something else. For my part I question the replication of outcomes based on ship/fit and character trait duplication. There are so many stat multipliers that are so different from character to character never mind player to player that the bemoaning players saying 'get gud' by spending time and cash to learn is leetism in itself. Funny how some gamers can go on youtube, give pointers, say whats good in general and not be bĂ­tchy. Yet gamers in the wrong setting, reddit, twitter etc and everything turns sour quickly. Social media giveth and taketh away on so many fronts.

I'm waffling, what the fk do I know.

There are only so many hours in the day and I've more than just STO to have fun with never mind real life. My STO YouTube backlog of learning is ever growing by the hour:

Those are over 9 hours of video!

Plus about 10 other videos!!

And those are just 3 STO YouTubers....

I want to learn more but I'm casual. I'll pick up hints, tricks and the 1% marginal gain that matters. Enough for me to be happy with.

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