Tuesday 16 November 2021

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw....

Gameplay has been casual as casual can be. Combat but only minor combat as I'm not stretching myself to the limits on that side of the game. Even then I'm waiting for the buddy timer to cooldown. I've probably done more 'radio negotiation', all peaceable like, than combat. Unsurprisingly communicating does seem to work with a better success rate on an empty cargo-hold. Some things just need to be done and combat was getting in the way. 

Not that I've been doing much of other 'activities' either. Many, many games of 8-ball do help earn some cash, get free items and are still 'fun' for me. The 8-ball mini game is as fun and casual as you can get, especially if I'm watch a YouTube vid on the side, as well as semi afk mining in Eve Online on another screen.... Who says I can't multitask.....

Overall Bountiful Vista has been the focus of my attention in game.

All the main parts of the station upgrades have been done. 

Mission Board..... Check
Equipment Bay.... Check
Bar....................... Check
Ship Bay.............. Check

Only the bar extension is left for upgrades. Dice Poker, slots, arcade game and of course a Pool table.... I look forward to that last part. Not so much the Dice as I suck at it......(blaming the RNG of course!!)

It's a pity that there aren't any options for Commodities for the station; Then again that could be used to really mess up the A.I. market buy/sell ecosystem. Lead it to be 'gamed'. Would've been nice to have a sale point at the very least, for 'acquired' cargo, legal or not.....

No Merchant or Merc Guild is a bit of a pity as well but again if there were all those missions on top of the mission board you'd never leave the system or jump more than a few systems ever again.

Still it's 'nice' to have a base to call 'my own', provide some passive income and have as a safe haven.

As for goals outside of adding the mini games to the bar, I 'need' to earn 100k credits to buy a new ship. Upgrading weapons is nice but a new ship is going to make a 'real' difference. That said I was aiming for a Durston. Just to try out with no expectations, not like last time!(here and here). That may also be because of the miner/hauler calling in me.... Then again there's an upgraded version of the ship I'm currently in, an interesting one for sure.... Maybe I should double down on credits for it instead! Either and anyway I'm going to try and make a lot of profits....

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