Thursday 6 February 2014

Battlefield 4..... reset again!

My frustration levels are getting higher with BF4 and not just with being killed as a basic geared starter in MP...
Yes my save game had been "corrupted" but it didnt' seem to affect the MP side until this week and all the unlocked weapons/gear had been "reset".
Even my SP mode had gone (again). So I tried restarting it and getting some more "unlocked" items... but the game hung twice in replaying missions.....
Seems I'm not the only person with problems and despite 6 "packs" to upgrade the game there seems to be a lot of problems that persist.....

The game has been enjoyable when I got some upgrades and started to make some headway into getting some rank up's. But being reset and getting gear taken away is frustrating, never mind the game crashes and other "odd" happenings.  I'll hack it for another while but if things persist in the way they have been I can see myself leaving this game.

If this is true:  It really speaks volumes.

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