Monday 24 February 2014

Changes to my null alts P.I. pt2

I didn't get as much of this done as I had planned. RL and other game time (BF4,wow) left Eve out of the loop for a good bit over the weekend. I did get some things done.

As planned I got an alt (my Amarr alt) to buy 2 x lava and 2 x plasma PI command centres, Amarr was way overpriced. 
So I bought them 2 jumps out in a station that was already on my flight path. 

I collected and moved them to the last hi-sec station before null and contracted them and the hauler to my null alt. 

Whilst on my null alt the next day doing the normal PI stuff I kept an eye on the Intel channels. They seemed to be clear of anything in the way so I jump cloned to the null exit system and warped to the gate… it was camped and bubbled...
...Thankfully by blues.
When doing this I have a few bookmark's around the gate, simple pod warp to one will let me see what;s going on. Ideally there are better ways to do this... checking directional scanners... asking re discreet intel.
Blue intel is not a good thing to be flaunting openly. Best to just go and check.
With blues on the gate to give some protection, if its defended then it's going to be a bit more reassuringly safer when warping back in.
So I decided to pod warp back to that systems station and then back to the gate and jumped through. 

I got to the station in hi-sec, collected the gear from contracts, piled it all into the Hauler and jumped back to null. 
The hauler now contained:

 And was fit like this:
T1 fit except for the T2 Cargo Extenders
The blue camp was still up. However there were a intel showed a lot of reds about and while I warped into the 1st null jump and was about to enter the next gate to get the jump bridge home, I was greeted with some nice intel channel updates. The first one is listed just as I saw it in space, just as I got the the gate of the system that was being mentioned! 

So given the number of reds dotted about and then a large spike along with another large spike at the defended gate that also bubbled the station 20 seconds after I docked I decided it wasn’t’ worth waiting them out….  

This left me wondering if it was worth redoing the PI, as both the entry system and the next one beside it are 'the' main traffic routes, and are both systems with plasma and lava planets, high traffic not only for blues but also for any reds that want a fight. But i guess no risk, no reward!

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